Smoke and Mirrors: Consequences and future

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Honolulu, State of Hawaii, 

United States of America, 

May 05, 2003, 8:00 am. 

A young man is watching the holographic display while eating his breakfast which is composed of scrambled eggs, pancakes with sauce, and bacon. He is eating his breakfast erstwhile listening to the debate between two experts that were invited to the news studio, "I mean that is already given, " he mumbled to himself while chewing the food in his mouth while listening to the young woman who is speaking. 

"There is no denying it, " the young woman in her early 30s who was invited as a guest speaker for the morning news program on the network stated, "and the Organization of Free Nations is fully aware of this fact, " she pointed out erstwhile looking at the young woman who is of similar age to her, "that We have been played like a damn fiddle. "    

"There is no WMD in Iraq, " the young woman who was seated beside the former with long blue hair interjected, "no chemical weapons and no means to produce domestic biological weapons, " she continues to speak, "The White House has been forced to cancel its development projects in the country, " she uttered the repercussion of the NATO intervention in the middle east, "and the OFN have compensated the construction company, money which could have been used to better our and our allies infrastructure. " 

"indeed that money could have been used for better projects, " the first woman to speak declared, "and to add insult to injury they have the audacity to call us terrorist backers. " 

"And right now NATO, our old ally has destabilized an entire region, " the young woman in her early 30s with long blue hair speaks, "Washington must understand that NATO is not anymore our ally and the Unity Hall must draw a line in the sand a line which they should not cross. " 

while the morning news program continues, the young man who is watching the display screen grabbed the remote control and uses it to change the channel, "finally some good news, " he mumbled erstwhile raising a glass of water for consumption. 

"This is a show of commitment and efficiency for the Organization of Free Nations, " a journalist reporting live from JFK international airport reported while civilians are greeting the returning soldiers following a successful deployment into Somalia, "the Global Defense Initiative is in the process of reducing its combat personnel in Somalia as part of the Somalinization stage of the alliance's nation-building program in the troubled African land. "

the display screen shows two panels, a panel which is showing the developing scene at JFK international airport where the former is reporting from, and another panel which is showing the news studio alongside the two news anchors, a young man and woman, " well what do you think is the future of further US troop deployment abroad? " the female news anchor questioned. 

"it is now very clear since the United States of America and her allies within the Organization of Free Nations have committed military personnel to guard the refugee camps in Africa alongside assets to improve the lives of those refugees fleeing prosecution, " the media journalist reporting live from John F. Kennedy International Airport responded erstwhile the civilians who are standing beside him are greeting the returning soldiers. 

"that is so good to know and quite sad that the United Nations is forced to ask us for assistance, " the male news anchor stated before breathing a sigh of frustration. 

"I can feel you, brother, " the journalist responded, "This is after the whole Railgun and Jericho Missile debacle and, " he pauses for a while, "Operation Desert Fury, " he uttered the name of the NATO operation which sees the ousting of Saddam Hussein from power. 

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