Surprise Part 6

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Tae woke the next morning from his mobile going crazy. It was Brianne, his ( Vantae's manager) and to a lesser degree model Kim Taehyung's manager. " Tae! Thank heavens you finally picked up. Pack your bags, you are flying to Paris at 12h00, they want you for the Gucci modelling show and then Moraint wants your paintings at his exhibition. I am taking everything I have with me now. Pack, I am picking you up in 30 minutes! Jimin already knows to be ready, at least he answered his phone!" Tae just looked at his phone with mouth open. Shit, 30 minutes. He dropped JK a quick text to speak to him later, he is flying out to Paris on extremely short notice.

30 min later Bri, Tae and Jimin are on their way to the airport, Gucci sent a private jet as they are aware of Tae's predicament with touching, yet they will always accommodate him, I mean, he is handsome as fuck and a very popular model for all brands. He refuses to sign a contract with one brand and only does freelance gigs.

After a seriously long flight they were picked up by a car and body guards at Charles de Guille aitport in Paris. Going straight to the offices of Gucci for a very quick meeting. The fashion show is in 2 days, but they have Tae sizes from previous years, so his clothes will be ready and he has done this so many times before, nothing new. The only surprise was that he was the main attraction. So he would open the fashion show and also close it. Can't be that difficult, so no worries.

Going to their hotel to finally catch their breath, Tae took out his phone and phoned the person he has been thinking about the whole trip. JK answered, slightly out of breath" Tae, are you safe? " "Hey Jungkookie, I am in Paris yes, Bri phoned me awake and I had 30 min to pack, doing a fashion show for Gucci and then a quick exhibition, should be back in Seoul by next Sunday. It all happened so fast; I am sorry I didn't phone you." "Tae it's all good, your text explained enough. I understand. I am just so happy you phoned me now, gave me a reason to stop training. I was seriously pooped already" They chatted for almost an hour, then Tae had to go for dinner and get some sleep.

The next day was absolute chaos. Making sure all the clothes are perfect, fortunately Tae only had 5 sets, the last one, all white, was for the closing of the fashion show. There was also going to be a surprise celebrity at the show and the fashion designers hope that their designs will catch that celebrity's eyes for his own shows. There will also be a charity auction, as part of the last event and Tae will wear the jewellery piece that was to be auctioned off.

They spent the rest of the day sightseeing and resting. The day of the fashion show they went to the venue just after noon. Time to get ready. Tae had a makeup artist and a hair stylist that has worked him before and they are aware of his touching problem. They wear latex gloves to minimise contact and also work carefully. Tae also thanks this from the bottom of his heart and makes sure they know they are appreciated. Finally getting ready for the first event, Jimin helps Tae to get dressed. A dark 3 piece suit, with orange shirt, the jacket has a longer back, looking like a swallows tail.

Tae strut down the run way amid cheers and gasps. Second and third were different jeans with silk or chiffon shirts, chunky sneakers, looking so sexy, he walked and turned and smiled a small smile, big smiles are not for the runway. His 4th piece was a track suit, he thought way to much bling, but whatever, he does not have to like it. Just before he went out he heard some claps and whistles and loud cheers. Strange.

After 2 hours he got dressed for the final. White pants, not stretch, but very form fitting, no shirt, white jacket/ coat, open in the front, going down to his ankles, white leather boots. Around his slim neck came the jewels to be auctioned for charity. Rubies and diamonds in a Victorian setting, forming a collar around his throat and hanging on his sternum. It was seriously beautiful.

Just before Tae walked out with the designer on the one side and the fashion house executive on the other, a staff member came running to the executive and said quickly, "he came half way through the show, flight was delayed." Ok, that must be the celebrity, so it was him that they cheered a while ago. Good, then he saw the designer's clothes.. Lets hope he is ready to bid for this charity event.

Tae walked out onto the runway, it was like you could hear a pin drop. This ethereal angel dressed all in white with the shining necklace....... Then one voice from the back said what they were all thinking... Holy fuck you are breath-taking! To loud laughter, even Tae smiled and nodded his head in thanks. When Tae turned at the end, the light caught the necklace, his nipple rings and the ruby and diamond belly jewels he wore. It was just a sight that no one would ever get out of their minds. Just when he was almost back, he looked to his left, where the celebrity will be, and lo and behold, Mr Jeon Jungkook, staring up at Tae with wonder in his eyes and a smile on his mouth. Tae smiles brightly and winked at JK who almost fell of his chair at that wink.

The auction went well and a wonderful price was paid for the necklace. After the auction, JK went behind the stage, meeting the models, but he only wanted to get to one particular one. Finally, he got to Tae's dressing room. He knocked first and Jimin opened with a big smile " I kept your secret the whole time, JK, he didn't know at all" JK laughed at Jimin's outburst, he suspects it was quite the achievement for him to keep a secret from Tae. Jimin went outside and Tae got up from the chair where he was busy taking of the makeup. Still shirtless, with a track suit pant only, bare feet, JK has never see anyone more beautiful or hot. They chatted a little bit while Tae got cleaned up. Getting dressed in black ripped jeans and a longsleeve green shirt with sneakers, they were ready to leave. Tae was not forced to go to the afterparties and he appreciated it so much. They left together and went to the hotel, where JK was staying also. They had dinner in the restaurant, causing many guests to gasp at the 3, they knew Jungkook on sight and they new Tae and Jimin must be someone, because damn, they are hot.

Spending the next day sightseeing with JK and Jimin, Tae could at least enjoy one quiet day before the exhibition. JK decided to stay in Paris till after.

The day of the exhibition Tae and Jimin left early to make sure everything is ready, Brianne was there also, driving everyone bonkers to get Tae's exhibition perfect as per het view. At 7 the exhibition opened, and people came in by the dozens. Tae was standing to one side with Jimin, both wearing black tuxedos, looking dapper and super hot. After a while there was quite a commotion outside and Jungkook and Yoongi walked into the exhibition. Jimin gave a squeak that reminded Tae of mouse caught in a trap. Jumping up and down, Jimin could not contain his excitement. JK and Suga joined them. Tae's heart starting beating so fast, and it was not the first time seeing Jungkook that his heart ran away with his breath. JK asked Tae to take them through the exhibition, which he gladly did, he is proud of his work. They chatted and looked and admired all the paintings and photographs. Jungkook praised him so much for his work that by the end of the evening Tae was a blushing mess, but so happy.

When the exhibition closed the 4 of them went for dinner at a fancy restaurant. They had a 3 coarse meal, some delicious red wine and talked and had fun till very late. Back at the hotel JK went with Tae to his room first as Yoongi took Jimin's hand in the elevator and walked straight to his room. Jimin just went with wide eyes.

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