A new dawn Part 13

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A/N: mention of self harm and abuse, please skip if you are triggered

He put Tae down in front of the covered easel where Heartbreak was covered. Tae pulled the sheet off and JK's had to choke down his tears. Tae said he was painting his most secret emotions and fears and heartbreak in the first painting, and all the new emotions and hope in the second painting. The first was dark, and sad and broken, the silhouette of the person torn into pieces, floating between fire and dark, he could taste the fear and horror just by looking at the painting. He slowly pulled Tae close to him, wrapping his arms around his waist, holding onto him for dear life, scared Tae will be ripped into pieces like the person in the painting, which he now realised, was actually Tae, after the horrors, and before the light slowly came through again. Tae looked up at JK, the back of his head on JK's shoulder. "Kookie? Are you okey?" He saw tears falling from JK's eyes. " Tae? This was how you felt? This was your deepest inside? What your life was?" "Yes, it was something like this. But now, this is my life" Turning, with JK still holding him, he took the sheet from Return to life. The vibrant colours, the patchwork person, smiling. JK looked closer, the person was glued together with gold. He looked up at Tae in surprise. "You remembered the story I told you shortly after we met?" "Yes, Koo, because that story changed my goals a lot, on how I want to be after my pieces are all back together. I want to be beautiful in my own way, I want to be useful." "Tae, my heart, the love of my life, you are the most beautiful person I know, inside and outside. You mean so much to all around you. You make everyone so happy. Baby, you are perfect and I am so proud of you for taking the small steps to cover a long distance, straight to me" JK kissed Tae's mouth gently, putting every fibre of his being into that kiss, so that Tae may never wonder how much he is loved and how important he is to JK. Tae rested his head on JK's shoulder. "Kookie? Do you think I must keep them or put them in an exhibition? I will not sell them, I think." "Baby, you do whatever you want and what makes you happy." silence. "Jungkookie?" softly. "Yes baby?" equally softly. "What if I gift them to be sold or auctioned or whatever for funds to help others that is going ot went through the same as me? What if I give them to Minyuan when I do the show with her?" JK hugged Tae so tight he almost couldn't breath. " Baby, that will be perfect!!! But are you sure?" "Kookie, I need to close that door now, and when I have done this with her, then that door will forever be closed and never opened again. I think it is time" "I will be with you every step of the way, love, I promise"

On a Thursday night, Jimin and Yoongi joined Tae and JK for dinner at Tae's apartment. Tae told Jimin he was done with the two paintings. Jimin knew that Tae had them planned for so long, but as he only had one half, Heartbreak he could not paint them, he needed his life first to return, before he could paint Return to life

Jimin and Yoongi were standing in front of the two paintings. Yoongi has almost the same shocked face JK had when he first saw Heartbreak. His face went pale, and his eyes grew huge and almost black. Jimin hugged Tae and said "I am proud of you, all the poison in your soul is now mixed with the paint and it has left you. That is why Return to life is so vibrant and full of life. That is the real you." Tae was so happy that Jimin understood. He slowly went to stand next to Yoongi. "Hey, Mr grumpy, that was then," he turned Yoongi slowly to the other painting " this is now, because of all of you, being my friends." Yoongi nodded quickly, took a deep breath "jip, you needed us to become cool like us, jip" Nodding and trying to smile though you could see he was still in shock. Tae laughed and Jimin just hugged him. JK shook his head, " Well said Suga, well said" They all left the studio and had their dinner, laughing and making jokes, enjoying this time with their friends. Tae told them just before they left about his plan with the paintings. Jimin applauded the decision and Yoongi gave him a punch on the shoulder. "Good choice Taehyung, good choice" Then they left. Tae and JK quickly cleared the table, washed dishes and then went to Tae's room. They again made love, but slower this time, savouring each other, Tae breathing in Jk's smell and exploring every inch of his body. JK allowed Tae to do whatever he wanted, his everything was Tae's anyway. They slept in each other's arms, holding close and loving the feel of each other. This was bliss, this was heaven, this was love.

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