Stay alive, even with small steps Part 8

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4 weeks later, back in Seoul, everybody was brimming with excitement, the global reveal of the music video for Stay alive was this evening. Tae was getting ready with Jimin, they both decided to go all out in their clothes. Tae and JK has been spending more time together, still just carefully holding hands, but JK assured Tae that there is no hurry, Tae needs to go at his own pace and with what he is comfortable with. None of the friend group has seen them holding hands, JK decided for Tae's sake, to keep it between them for now.

JK and Suga were already at the venue, with so many celebrities attending, everybody buzzing with excitement, the media roaming around, talking to everybody. JK was getting anxious, Tae is still not there. Just when Yoongi decides to phone Jimin, the two boys walk in. JK stopped breathing for a second seeing the silver haired beauty and Yoongi let out a "holy fuck... "Jimin wearing black skin tight jeans, black heeled boots and a chiffon, black, see through shirt, Tae wearing skin tight light blue jeans, same chiffon, but white, see through shirt, where you could see his piercings, which were diamond studded tonight, and brown cow boy style boots. He had silver with diamond wrist guards on, which actually looked like normal bracelets. Meeting up with the other two, who showered them with compliments. "You look hot as fuck by the way Jungkook" Tae said softly in JK ear, looking at him from underneath his lashes. JK blushed 10 shades of puce but smiled, very pleased with the compliment. He was wearing black combat style boots, black baggy trousers, sleeveless shirt with a black jacket. His hair had a bit of wet look, which Tae loved.

They mingled with some people, JK feeling overprotective of Tae, making sure no-one comes to close to him, when suddenly from behind... TaeTae!!!! A group of 4 men rushed to Tae and "air hugged" Tae and grabbed Jimin by the waist and turned him around and around! "Ahhh! What the actual fuck you crazy idiots!" Jimin screamed while laughing out loud. Yoongi and JK was all set to get involved when the one turned to Tae and said "Tae bear, we missed you and this short person so much, how are you?" He asked in a soft caring voice. Tae smiled widely" I'm doing very good Wooshik, thank you, hope you too." "Yes, we are all good Tae Tae, busy, but all good. I must say Tae, you look fuckin amazing. I am so proud of you. Oh by the way, we are the Wooga squad, Tae's best friends with this short one" Speaking to JK and Yoongi while ruffling Jimin's hair. Yoongi though Jimin would get mad, but Jimin just laughed and hugged all of them. Jimin told JK and Yoongi, they have been friends since primary school, they know some of Tae's story, no details, but respect his boundaries.

Soon everybody was enjoying themselves, chatting, eating and drinking. Then, finally, time for the music video global release. JK was standing next to Tae, nervously biting his lip. He had such high hoped for this song and video, wanted to make an impact where it mattered.

The music video began playing, other than the music, you could not here a sound, JK was staring at the screen, suddenly he felt a slight touch on his pinky finger, a finger slowly winding around his until all the fingers were entwined. He looked up, Tae was smiling at him, giving him the support he so desperately wanted. They stayed like that till the end. 2 seconds, then a massive explosion of cheers, shouts, whistles and congratulations.... The video was beyond their wildest dreams.

Everybody congratulated the guys that worked their asses of for that video and song. Hobi was already tracking the social media results, grinning from ear to ear.

While everybody cheered and went bonkers with excitement, JK saw Tae looking a bit nervous with all the people jumping and going nuts. He pulled him away towards a table at the back, making him slide into the bench first, with JK sitting on the edge, just in case someone bumped into Tae by accident. Tae smiled widely at JK " I am so proud of you, you know", said Tae. " This song will touch so many people, change so many lives, as it already changed mine" JK squeezed Tae's hand, bringing it to his lips and placing a small kiss on his knuckles " Tae bear, I could not have done this without you and Chim, thank you." Smiling into Tae's eyes, he whispered, " you have no idea how proud I am off you, though, the small steps you are taking to claim back your life. I am so thankful that you chose me to open up to and be a part of your journey." Tae blushed a deep red " Kookie, I am so happy to have met you, I am happy to have come to know you, and I am eternally blessed to have you in my life. Thank you, Kookie"

Sitting and watching all the crazy people dancing and enjoying themselves, holding hands, the two boys never before was this content. When a slower song started playing, Jungkook looked at Tae." Baby, are you feeling a little bit brave? Do you want to dance with me? On your terms, love, I promise. With whatever you feel comfortable with, absolutely no pressure" Tae's eyes went wide, he was expecting to go into panic mode, waiting for it, but it did not happen, instead, he felt a little bit of excitement. Can he be brave? He nodded his head, eyes still a bit big. JK stood up, keeping Tae's hand firmly in his and started walking to the dance floor, keeping away from other dancers. He slowly turned Tae towards him. Now the ball was in Tae's court, what will he be comfortable with. Tae slowly put his left hand on JK's right shoulder, touching softly, his right hand still in JK's left. JK looked in Tae's eyes, " baby? Where do you want my right hand? On your shoulder or your waist?" 'On my waist, but above my hips, please" Tae whispered shyly, a little bit scared, but more excited. He was going to dance with JK, JK holding him. His heart nearly burst out of his chest. JK put his hand on Tae's waist, keeping enough space between them to not make Tae panic. They started moving slowly to the music.

On the other side of the room, Jimin had a total mental break down when he saw the two on the dance floor, he started sobbing and clinging to Yoongi, who panicked and was looking for the person who made Jimin cry. Jimin just took Yoongi's head in his hand and turned his head to face the dance floor. Yoongi's jaw dropped, eyes wide. " Chim? What the fuck!" Poor Jimin just nodded in between sobs, his Taetae is dancing, with a person, a person named Jungkook. The Woogas and Tae's brother came walking to them , seeing Chim crying. He showed them the dancefloor. There was only astonishment, their Tae bear dancing. Jeonhun was smiling through tears. Wow, he never thought that this day would come, his baby brother allowing someone to touch him, so softly.

JK saw the looks and just smiled, keeping Tae's face away from the others, to not take his attention away from what he is achieving at the moment. Tae looked into JK's eyes "Jungkookie? You can pull me little closer now" He smiled shyly. JK pulled him a little closer, paying attention to Tae's body language, when he will feel some tension. But it didn't happen, JK pulled Tae tight against his body, his palm open on Tae's back, holding him close. Their clasped hands were now near their shoulders, close to their bodies. Still swaying slowly to the music, Tae put his face into JK's neck. Just breathing in and out. Suddenly he took both his hands and wraps it around JK's neck, holding onto him for dear life. JK panicked a bit, not knowing what was going on, he just kept both his hands now on Tae's back, holding him close. Tae spoke softly into JK's neck " I am safe...I am safe...I am safe.." He kept repeating only JK could hear him. JK looked down at Tae, " Baby are you ok?" He was extremely worried now. Tae nodded his head, JK could feel Tae's lips forming into a smile on his neck. " I am safe" he repeated, and JK finally understood. For the first time in more than 10 years, Tae felt safe enough to let go, to trust, to hope and believe in a future without fear. Tears were pooling in JK's eyes. He could do this for Tae. He made him safe. He hugged him so tight that Tae let out a breathy giggle. " Kookie, I need to breath" They danced for a little more and then went back to their table, were Jimin and Yoongi came to join them. Jimin was still sniffling and Yoongi was patting his back awkwardly. Tae looked at his best friend, smiling a happy smile. " Chim, there is no need to cry you know, the people liked the video, it wasn't that bad" He teased, JK laughing at the look of shock in Jimin's face. " Kim Taehyung, you, yes you made me cry, you made me cry with snot and ugly face and everything, because you... you..." Jimin couldn't even complete his sentence, he just reached across the table and grabbed Tae hand and then he looked at JK with narrowed eyes " And you Mr Jeon Jungkook, if you hurt my Tae you will beg for death. Take care of him, because obviously he sees something in you and feels something for you that finally started breaking open those walls. And when my Taetae is happy, I am a very pleasant person to be around, when my Taetae is not, well, draw your own conclusions" The other 3 couldn't help but laugh at the expression on Jimin's face while making these barely veiled threats. He looked so cute being all bad ass and mean. JK promised Jimin that Tae is his first priority now, that he will walk all the tiny steps Tae will take to get back to who he was meant to be.

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