Sometimes nightmares try to come back to life Part 10

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A/N: mention of abuse, drugs, please skip of you are triggered

They finally fell asleep. About 8 the next morning JK's phone was vibrating with an incoming call. " Hobi? What the hell? It so early!" Jk moaned. "JK, firstly, your video has reached 135 mill streams. Second, we are all, yes, all of having lunch at Suga's studio, he arranged catering for that already. 3rd we have a slight problem." JK was wide awake immediately " what problem Hobi, involving who?" "Tae" "What??!! Explain" " well, his druggy mom saw him in the video and pitched up at the agency demanding money for her son that was in a video. The security took her away. Then she showed up at Suga's studio, same story, they took her away. Now she is standing in front of Seoul newspaper, screaming that her child was sexually exploited, and she wants money to keep quiet. So, we are all of having lunch to discuss how to deal with this, Tae's brother will also be there. In the meantime, I already doubled your bodyguards and you will not let Tae out of your sight, understood?" " understood hobi, I wasn't planning to anyway." Yeah, I kind of got that when Tae wasn't at his flat when I sent the body guards there. See you at 12h00 at the studio"

Tae woke up, feeling the most peacefull he has felt in years. Stretching his body, he moaned a bit at the pain in his lower back and butt area. Giggling he just stretched some more. Meanwhile JK was laying on his side, staring at Tae. " Morning my love" " Morning Jungkookie" Having a tender kiss and then a long bath did wonders for Tae's aches and pains. He did however walk with a very pronounced limp. Well, who could blame him, JK forgot all about the slow and tender when he finally had his cock in Tae's hole, and 5 rounds for a first time, maybe was a bit rough. JK couldn't help the satisfied smirk on his face, he did that, he made Tae come 6 times. He totally lost all control, but Tae didn't complain, so yeah, a win- win situation. JK made a quick breakfast while Tae sat on the counter like a princess, getting waited on hand and foot by his love. JK fed him fruit, kisses, some waffles, kisses and hot chocolate with marshmallow, and kisses. Perfect breakfast after a perfect night. While cleaning up JK told Tae about the happenings with his mom. When JK looked up at Tae, all he saw was a blank face, almost translucent grey eyes. Tae's hands were frozen with the cloth still in his hand, while the other was wrapped around a glass. His knuckles turned white and JK quickly took the glass away, scared that he will cut himself if he breaks the glass in anger. He stepped behind Tae, putting his arms around the youngers body. Whispering in his ear." Baby, no one, and I mean no fucking human on this earth will touch you or hurt you. No one" He turned Tae around, looked into his eyes, forcing Tae to look at him "Say it Tae, say it out load." Suddenly Tae's eyes focused on JK's eyes, he heard his voice. " I am safe" " Yes, Tae love, you are safe. None of us will ever let anything happen to you. We will make sure that bitch goes to hell in a handbasket if she doesn't cease and desist." Tae nodded, hugging JK with all his might, pushing his face into JKs neck. "I am safe....I am safe... I am safe." JK could feel Tae relaxing into him.

They got ready and with 3 bodyguards left for the studio. Everybody else were already there, Tae's brother as well. When Tae and JK walked in, JK's hand around Tae's waist, Hobi threw his hands in the air. " Fuckit finally, we thought we are never going to eat!" Everybody just laughed at his antics. Jimin was eyeing Tae with a bit of a squint. Walking up to Tae he looked at JK "Jungkook, did you break my Tae last night? Why is he full of hickeys and why the fuck is he limping?!" JK turned red from his cheeks to his ears, Tae just giggled and buried his head in JK's neck. JK held Tae tight and whispered in his ear." Baby, I am going to kill that little midget." Well, who would not laugh at this situation.

When they all had lunch they started discussing the issue with the druggy bitch, aka, Tae and Jeonhun's mum. Yoongi was all for hiring a hit man, Jin thought selling her as a slave was a good plan, but then again, they don't want to cause that much harm on anybody else. Tae listened to the serious and not so serious solutions. Namjoon finally cleared his throat. "The only way to get her locked up is if she confesses to whatever she did. No Tae, we don't know the details, in this room only you know everything, Jimin and Jeonhun knows almost everything. " I know everything" JK said, holding Tae tightly against him. They all looked quite shocked, Tae told JK everything, when even his brother and best friend are still missing puzzle pieces. Tae looked up. " I cant start a future with someone when my past is still haunting me. I told Jungkookie everything the night after the exhibition in Paris. Everything". "OK, that will actually be a good thing. We need to somehow get her to talk to Tae, where he must somehow convince her to admit to everything and we record it all on film." Namjoon said. JK said: "well, we will need the perfect plan. I am NOT putting Tae in danger. " Yes agreed, so guys, brain storm time." For an hour they threw ideas around, some good, some bad, until only one half-baked idea remained. The word will go out that Tae will have a private exhibition of his works, accessible by invitation only. Very exclusive. It will be advertised and hyped up. Then undercover police and the friends will be the so-called invited guests. The private investigator Yoongi knows will find out where this madam is, then will accidently drop the invitation while talking loudly about this exhibition. Someone will make sure she picks it up and will then continue to follow her till the exhibition the next night. Tae will be all surprised to see her, she will probably cry and whatever, he will "feel sorry" and take her to the back to talk. Then he will confront her, and the team will record it all. Tae will be protected the whole time, his friends, bodyguards and police will be behind one way glass.

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