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I was running late as soon as i opened the office door there he was sitting in his white shirt with upper buttons open....i was drooling wasn't i?.. "looks like you didn't have your breakfast miss violet"  he asked me by looking straight into my eyes ...

i kept my head.low gosh did he notice my drool or something ? with back of my hands the rubbed my lips and said "thanks for your concern sir but i had my breakfast" . he stood up made his way towards me as i started calculating where did i sound rude ? was he mad because i denied his assumption? he pulled me towards his desk and laid me on it by hovering on me ....

My eyes widened on their own he was so close to me "but i forgot to have breakfast today as i was late " he said that while playing with my shirt collar .."but now instead of breakfast i want you " with that he slammed his lips upon my lips ..they were so soft ....he was sucking on my lower lips as if he was eating them for real and i started thrashing my hands on his chest to stop him ..he stopped me by taking my hands in his hands and said which blew my mind " a nice breakfast indeed but what's for lunch ?" i was breathing like a fish out of its habitat while he was about to place his lips again on my li-  just then i got up ...

God what was i even dreaming...i glanced at the clock it was just 6 in the morning..but again that dream was really weird why would i even dream about a guy whom i just met some days ago... anyhow i got ready and booked a bus instead of cab because i had plenty of time and i really do believe in savings ..

From the bus stop my office was a bit far as i was walking.. the same black car whose owner was the same guy whom i was dreaming shamelessly this morning ... i just stood. there silently he opened his car door he was sitting in the back as the driver was driving..."fast ,get in the car" he said ... i hopped in the car and sat in it ..."i didn't expected you this early " he sounded more like shocked "but yo- i mesn boss you said be on time "i said "i know that but the staff comes at 9 : 30 And it's just 8 :20  now " he sounded mischievous this time ...

"i am sorry sir, i didn't knew but i - i have noted that now" i said ... he just nodded and said the driver to drive .. finally we reached his building... i was first to get iff the car it was so suffocating to sit next to him as i can smell his cologne.. it was just making me feel things ...i made my way towards lift while passing through the corridor to get in his office there was a cabin infront which was clearly not there when i first came here.on it, it was written as "ASSISTANT JESSICA JOE"  and there was a landline with a computer on the desk was my name so i quickly took my sit on chair and was waiting for my boss to call me..

As i was patiently waiting from an hour  as he mentioned that office starts at 9 :30 and now i could hear his i took my steps towards his office room to hear it clearly "why did you keep her cabin there miss julie ?"  as i started to remember she was the same girl who guided me to his office as on that day i saw her name on her batch..poor her .. "iam sorry sir but your previous assistant cabin was there so i have thought may be it was the right place instead of your office room "  i was dumb folded wait in his office room GOD i wanted to scream ..

"see miss julie you listen to my orders not the other way ,shift that damn cabin in my room till tomorrow!! do you get that ??" he was clearly in anger .."yes ,sir"she bowed and was about  leave "call miss violet to come to my office now" as he completed his sentence there was pin drop silent ... as i was again running back to my desk ...julie informed me that he was calling me ...

I skirt was really small from juile her skirt was below the kneww where as mine was so above ..what was he a boss or a pervert i thought..i finally entered his room he gave me some files and dragged a chair beside him not too close to him though ....he gavs me some files and said me to complete the remaining work by giving his laptop....i took the laptop as my chair  was far apart from the desk i kept the laptop on my thighs and kept doing my work ..

I could feel his stairs often and i was conscious and doesn't wanted to disappoint him on my first day ....As i was about to finish my work i thought why can't i work on my desk cause it was so tiring to work on laptop without a desk ... anyhow i completed my work and hand it over to him i was standing beside him....

"no doubt you are talented..i took good decision by keeping you as my assistant " he said that i gave me a smile suddenly out of nowhere he touched my thighs with his fingers ..i was about to take a step back he holded my waist with his other hand and kept me in that position "looks like you really wanted to impress me hard on your first day that you didn't even notice these"  he said by tracing the scratches which were caused by the laptop as i kept it on my thighs..

But again he was touching my thighs for God sake ..."sir iam not comfortable like this...please leave me" i said to him he just nodded and loosen his grip around my waist.."iam sorry if i made you feek that way..i was a bit concerned " i just shook my head and said "iam totally fine sir nothing to worry about " he gave me a faint smile and said " thats it you can wrap up for today "thats when i knew it was almost dark outside...i gave him a nod by saying thankyou and made my way towards my apartment..

I reached my apartment and applied some cream on my thighs i was not so pale but yellowish white was redish scraches all over my thighs..after freshing up i went to cook myself something..i usually eat simple food just like spaghetti,noodles like that ... today i made myself some ramen which were delicious by the way....i saw some shows on TV and after sometime i went to bed i know it was a bit early but it was a tiring day after all .....

hope you all like this chapter too Don't forget to click the star ⭐ and follow me for the new updates .. comment me what do you think about lucius and jessica 😂 hehehehe..good bye and take care till the next update.....

Church crush ( cc )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora