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As the evening progressed, I couldn't shake off the lingering discomfort that hung in the air between Hyunjin and me. Despite his efforts to make our date enjoyable, there was an undeniable tension that dampened our usual chemistry. It seemed as though Felix's disapproving comment had cast a shadow over our evening, making it difficult to connect on a deeper level.

Hyunjin noticed my uneasiness and tried his best to salvage the situation. He attempted to steer the conversation toward lighter topics, asking about my hobbies, favourite books, and music. Yet, every attempt felt forced, and my responses lacked their usual enthusiasm. I couldn't help but compare this strained atmosphere to the natural ease I shared with Felix.

Lost in my thoughts, I gazed out of the restaurant window, the city lights illuminating the darkened streets. A part of me longed for the familiarity and comfort of Felix's presence. It wasn't that I had completely given up on the possibility of reciprocating Hyunjin's feelings, but the connection I shared with Felix felt deeper, more profound.


Watching ChaeYoung's distant expression, my heart sank. I had hoped our date would bring us closer, but instead, it seemed to push us further apart. The playful banter and genuine laughter we once shared felt like distant memories. I couldn't help but wonder if my efforts to win her over were in vain.

I desperately wanted to make ChaeYoung happy and to be the one who could make her heart flutter. However, it became increasingly clear that her heart was tangled between two worlds: her blossoming connection with me and the comfort she found in Felix's presence. I couldn't blame her for being torn. After all, Felix had been a constant in her life, and their bond was undeniable.

As we sat in that dimly lit restaurant, an idea struck me. Perhaps it was time to have an open and honest conversation. I couldn't let our connection wither away without trying to understand what lay at the core of ChaeYoung's feelings. With a determined look, I took a deep breath and prepared to broach the subject.

"ChaeYoung, I can sense that something is bothering you. And I want you to know that it's okay to feel conflicted. Love is a complicated journey, and it's not always straightforward. But I genuinely care about you, and I want to understand where your heart truly lies."


Hyunjin's words touched me deeply, and I appreciated his understanding and patience. It was true that I felt torn between two worlds, two individuals who held significant places in my heart. While my connection with Felix was undeniable, there was also a growing fondness for Hyunjin. The realization weighed heavily on me, as I knew that any decision I made would inevitably leave someone hurt.

Taking a moment to collect my thoughts, I met Hyunjin's sincere gaze.

"Hyunjin, I value our friendship greatly, and I don't want to lose that. But I need time to sort out my feelings and figure out what my heart truly desires. It wouldn't be fair to you or Felix if I rushed into a decision without being sure."

Hyunjin nodded, a mix of understanding and disappointment flickering across his face.

"I appreciate your honesty, ChaeYoung. Take all the time you need. Just know that I'll be here, supporting you, regardless of what you choose."

As we left the restaurant, the weight of uncertainty still clung to me. The tangled web of emotions continued to unravel, and I knew that finding clarity would be a journey in itself.


Word count: 618

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