5.Odd Feeling

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Ashwathama's POV.
Northern Panchal, my new responsibility. I really wasn't ever expecting to become a king at any time of my life.

I grew up in poverty and now I have all the riches that i could ever want in my life but i still feel as if a part of me is missing.

Whenever I would feel this kind of uneasiness I would always call my mother, laying on her lap with her hands gently petting my head would always calm my mind.

But after her death not only was my father and I Devestated but our life seemed to have taken a U-Turn from happiness and satisfaction.

She was just perfect, so sensible and calm. Back then We were definitely not rich but we were surely very happy.

She taught me to live with what we have in hand. She would always save me whenever my father scolded me, she truly had a heart of gold.

I never saw her crying or angry. She never showed any negative emotions that's why my father said that, I was his strength and mother was his courage and motivation.

She never asked for anything from my father or me. She would always say that she is satisfied in what she had.

My father was completely broken for a while when mother died, he would barely eat or sleep which was severly effecting his health

But when the Kuru kumars came to Gurukul my father started taking care of himself as he believes that to keep your student under discipline you should also be discipline.

After a while of their arrival he found a new hope in Rajkumaar Arjun and now his goal was to make him the best archer in the world.

I was jealous in the start but then I somewhat accepted this and that's when my friendship with Rajkumaar Duryodhan started.

He is an amazing person but awfully misunderstood, he from the first day of our friendship was extremely supportive.

Today we heard some kind of news that according to Duryodhan is nothing but a 'rumour' , that Pandavas are alive.

I somewhat knew that this would happen and that this news may be true because a warrior like Arjun will be hard to fool.

He would have realized that the house is made of wax after somtime because I heighly doubt he would have reality it immediately.

And knowing Arjun he would have not thought twice about wheather Or not it was true and would have immediately rushed to save Rajmata Kunti and the other Pandavkumars.

I remember seeing Duryodhan's sad face when this news was conveyed to him, let's be honest seeing him crying gave my chest a strike of pain.

He has struggled quite a lot and all he wanted was to be understood and that maybe he could show his potential to take care of a country.

Mahamahim Bheeshma and Mahamantri Vidur never gave him a fare chance only because of a rainy night and dogs barking.

I belive that he has just as much potential as the pandavas have. It made me very upset because since he 'confirmed' that the pandavas were dead he started working on the welfare of the country.

He himself would go and help the villagers and ask them for their opinion on what reforms could be made in the country for its brighter future.

I just returned form Hastinapur yesterday after being away form my own country for quite a while. I just wanted to take a look in my country to make sure everything is running smoothly.

I dressed myslef in simple villager clothing and went out on petroling. Just as I was looking around I saw an old lady selling milk.

She looked too old to be working in such a harsh condition so maybe I could go and help her with some money.

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