Chapter 2: The Easter Bunnys Treat

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Meanwhile later as all the rest of the family had set in the living room watching TV after the disastrous dinner had played out with everybody arguing and fighting and shit, William had came downstairs eventually sooner than later and sat down on the couch with everyone else saying nothing to nobody.

Cousin Daniel was somewhere smoking on some therapeutic weed that he was heavily medicated with and Beck was on his touchscreen phone talking to his girlfriend on video call and everyone else in the living room had just sat there doing nothing while Williams father sat there with another beer, Chuck just stood there staring off into space breathing through his mouth, Williams mother was finishing up the cheesecake in the oven and soon suddenly then ever as the bolt of thunder had clapped and struck the ground outside a few feet back, the whole house had flipped with full of power to darkness within a second.

Auntie Maribeth just sat there doing nothing, Grandma and Grandpa talked to each other.


Everyone reacted in different ways to the power to their house being cut off and eventually the dad had gotten up and soon enough went all out to the kitchen and the phone signal had went out and Beck had reacted in mourningful groans.

Soon eventually of course one of the family members had grabbed lanterns, and candles, and soon lit them with the light of life and lit as many of them enough to light the entire living room, kitchen, and some parts of the main hall and stairwell of the house that lead to the bedrooms and soon the upper halls of the second floor of the house and soon of course eventually by then now Beck had stepped outside to get a signal out in the rain.


Beck had stood outside in the rain with a black slicker raincoat on and zipped up and enough stood in the front porch of the house with a arm held out with his phone in hand of course went off of the porch down the stairs and eventually into the driveway and soon enough stood there holding the phone and soon had seen something from the corner of his eye dart past him, Beck had turned and looked and eventually went back to his phone.

Suddenly from beside the garage of the house he heard a voice of what sounded like a jester clown, it had spoken to Beck.

"Hey over here." The voice said.

Beck then had seen something from the houses in front of him, and soon call out "I'm over here."

Beck looked over as he went over onto the road and looked everywhere as eventually something came looming on top of one of the houses and eventually what stood there was a dark black silhouette that stood around 6ft tall and 5ft in shoulder length in diameter and it had tall long bunny ears on his head.

And soon enough Beck just stood there in confusion as the silhouette just then had waved at him with a bony hand with elongated finger with short but sharp claws, Beck of course didn't react to this sight as then suddenly it had lunged up off of the roof of the house in front of him and down onto the roof of a car and eventually getting a good look at it as it had landed on the car which was convincingly parked under a street lamp.

It stood there looking at him with brows narrowing in menace and soon of course eventually not knowing what the hell it was Beck had ran back to the house but the tall lanky bunny like creature had jumped out and landed in front of him, soon Beck ...

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It stood there looking at him with brows narrowing in menace and soon of course eventually not knowing what the hell it was Beck had ran back to the house but the tall lanky bunny like creature had jumped out and landed in front of him, soon Beck had got up and ran out into the street running away as then eventually the Bunny creature had hopped onto the roof of the car and had hopped from one row to another row of cars parked on both sides of the streets; eventually Beck ran with his feet pounding on the ground and soon of course had found a mail truck still parked in front of a house and slid underneath it and hid for about a minute placing a hand over his mouth keeping himself silent.


Over back at the house eventually everyone had gathered around the fire place and of course had pulled out sleep bags and slept in the living room.


Beck however stayed under the truck for a minute as the Bunny creature he had seen hours ago had landed onto the roof of the mail truck and then proceeded to climb onto the ground and stood there as Beck could hear this thing sniff the air around it then eventually of course jumping up and disappearing.

Beck had breathed a sigh of relief and eventually of course had felt a hand grab his own ankle of his leg and pull him out from the mail truck, Beck had grabbed onto the rear end of the truck as he had looked as the Bunny creature had a hold of his ankle and soon pulled more from him until Beck had let go of the back bumper of the truck and felt his back slide against the ground and then he stood up scared and heard the voice of the creature.

"Did someone leave a tasty little present for me to feast on?" The voice of the creature said.

"Such a delicious looking treat for me to eat." The creature said.

"Who the fuck are you?" Beck asked.

Suddenly the creature lunged out from nowhere and swiped at Beck's stomach and soon enough had fallen back against the back of the mail truck and sat there in paralyzation, soon of course the creature came from nowhere once again and just spoke to him in a hushed jester like voice.

"I am something was once asleep for a series of centuries to come, but now I have awaken to feed once more on the flesh of the living." The creature said.

Soon eventually the creature revealed itself and soon enough looked at Beck with angry eyes and soon enough spoke.

"You look delicious." The creature had said.

Soon eventually came over to the front of Beck and reached over and grabbed his ankle and dragged him away from the truck and onto the ground as he had laid there on his back, soon enough eventually the creature itself had jumped over and sat perched on one knee and the heel of his foot on the other, soon enough eventually was then hunched over.

"Let's see what we have here shall we?" The creature revealing itself to be no other than the Easter Bunny itself had hunched over on top of Beck and soon enough had licked the claw wounds on his stomach and soon used his claws to peel off strips of his flesh and pick them up and eat them, gobbling them down and swallowing them, soon enough of course had began to go over and lick his once more and finally deciding to bury it's furry rabbit shaped head into Beck's stomach devouring him alive, pulling out intestines with it's hands and feasted on them until Beck had laid there lifelessly and dead as he bled out into nothing.


Back over at the house the family had heard a knock on the door and soon Williams mother had gotten up and went over to the door as the grandmother had looked onward in worry as if she had knew what was going on and what was now happening but choose to not address but only mention it when the time was ready.

The mother opened the door and looked outside and had seen nothing as then eventually landing her eyes on a large wicker basket tall enough and big enough for a human to be shoved inside of.

The mother had looked at the basket and read the tag on it that read For you in cursive hand writing and eventually taking it inside and shutting the door without question or train of thought onto as to where it had come from or who had dropped it off.

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