Chapter 5: It's Inside The House

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"Wait get back here!!!" Dad shouted.

"No I'm not gonna stand here and believe in some kind of twisted bedtime story made up from the mind of a demented old lady!!" Uncle Joseph said getting up on his badly gnawed on leg and eventually to the kitchen to go get beer.


While in there Uncle Joseph had stood there in the kitchen grabbed a beer and popped it open and took a big fucking swig out of it.

Soon eventually he had heard something and soon enough something small and the size of a midget had dashed past Uncle Joseph and he reactively in righteousness had pulled out a gun and cocked the guns hammer back and eventually hopping onto the counter near an wicker Easter basket it was a Easter egg creature it looked at Joseph and he looked at it back and soon the egg monster and ran and launched itself at Joseph and eventually soon enough shot a bullet at it.

The monster exploded and eventually of course more and more had piled up onto the counter as he fired his gun and soon William and everyone excluding Grandma and Grandpa had barged inside and began fighting off the the egg creatures as then suddenly the wicker basket monster that took Joseph's son had came into the kitchen and sneak attacked Joseph and launching itself at Joseph's face biting and scratching as Joseph had fought him off and threw him into the oven and turned it causing the monster to catch fire, burn away, and explode.

Everything was taken care of and then it had happened.

Suddenly then a loud smash was heard in the basement below their feet, and everyone had looked at each other.

Soon eventually the remaining family members roamed around the house, Daniel Uncle Joseph, Dad, Mom, William, Aunt Maribeth, Grandpa, Grandma and eventually soon of course they all had split up as they had heard a crash and the Easter Bunny entered the house.

They all would not last.

Grandpa was downstairs with the Easter Bunny as it had tackled him to the floor and bit this throat killing him as his blood pooled on the floor, Mom and Dad were in the basement as the Easter Bunny had ran down their and they shot rounds of bullets and soon missing as the Easter Bunny had swiped it's claws and disemboweling them alive their intestines spilling out of their bodies and onto the floor as they had fallen to the ground.


Grandma, Uncle Joseph, William and Daniel had made their way down stairs as they had been armed and Grandma had seen what happened to her husband and fired and cursed to herself, then eventually the Easter Bunny had came into view in front of Grandma and soon grabbed her and pulled her to the ground crouching down onto her old and frail body and soon gnawed her head off of her shoulders spraying blood everywhere and throwing the head asside, suddenly the human sized Egg monster had burst in through the doors and eventually grabbed Uncle Joseph and pulled him into his mouth and ate him up alive and whole in one piece as he was brutally crushed to death inside of his mouth, soon eventually William had stood in the bedroom that had belonged to Jamie as he had his under the bed.

The closet door had glowed a red light under the gap of the door and soon Daniel walked inside the closet and soon the closet door had shut as he walked and crouched down in front of a pile of clothes and had grabbed a Easter basket contained candy and treats, this one wasn't alive at least so thank God.

Soon while holding up a chocolate bunny wrapped in the same gold wrapping paper as then suddenly he had felt drool on his shoulder.

Daniel had looked up with the flashlight in his hand and eventually had spotted the Easter Bunny on the ceiling as it had then dropped down onto the floor and Daniel had ran and opened the closet door but only enough time for William to stand their and aim the gun and fired, the Easter Bunny had thrown an Easter Egg at William breaking on impact on his face, soon Cousin Daniel had crawled towards the open doorway and was soon then grabbed by the Easter Bunny as it grabbed the collar of his shirt and said "Oh you don't, there's no way you're escaping my rites to feast juicy boy!!!"

Soon Daniel had landed back against a pile of dirty clothing and eventually of course raised an arm up and the Easter Bunny had swiped it's clawed hands at Daniels chest paralyzing him in the process and soon enough lunged at Daniel and began to violently devour him alive, as Daniel had screamed in pain as the feeling of gnashing teeth and flesh being torn from his stomach and eventually soon enough bled out as the Easter Bunny had removed all of his intestines and of course feasted on all of his organs and soon eventually his flesh.


William stood there helplessly as he laid against the bed as a pool of blood had formed on the floor under the gap of the closet door, William had eventually got up and ran out the bedroom as the only remaining family members as soon entered into the living room with his Aunt Maribeth and soon stood there as everything happened all at once in fast motion expelling at the speed of light, soon midget sized Easter Egg monsters has stormed out of the kitchen and eventually swarmed the living room and eventually of course Aunt Meribeth had shot all rounds of the shotgun as then suddenly eventually for now as it happen she had heard storming footsteps up from behind her as she turned around and looked and suddenly said "Oh shit!"

Just then breaking through the boards of the window was a horde of mandating demonic Easter Bunny monsters as they had burst through and climbed in through the window and eventually had grabbed Aunt Meribeth and tied her up and proceeded to pull her out from the window into the stormy rainy night atmosphere and eventually soon William stood there helplessly as they all had piled around his Aunt and soon aggressively began to brutally maul and devour her.


"Fucking choke on it you Peter Cottontail rejects!!!" Aunt Maribeth as she had pulled out a grenade and pulled the pin and eventually the grenade had exploded and killed her and the Easter Bunny monster horde blowing them all into chunks of gore, meat, organs, flesh and blood, soon after that William had stood there as he had heard his little brother scream off into the distance into the woods.

"JAMIE!!!" William shouted.

Soon of course ran outside through the backyard and soon tripped and fell on the ground as then The Easter Bunny had came over to William and handed him something.

It was an object.

It was an Easter Egg with his name written on it and read "Happy Easter!" In cursive writing in paint.

"Take it." The Easter Bunny said and eventually of course hopped off into the woods.

Soon eventually William looked at the egg in his hand and had thought about what he had done.

"What did I do?" William asked himself.

Soon eventually William had gotten up and ran to the forest and eventually ran through a series of trees and bushes as then he made it to a clearing and stood there and seen everything there in front of him.

"I gotta end this." William said to himself.

" William said to himself

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