Consequences to actions (Part 2)

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Mary was slightly panicking on the inside as she looked at Ririka who was still staring at her. That thought suddenly at once was the only thing in Mary's mind left. The weird feeling which had been around for quite some time grew immensely all of a sudden, pressing on every organ, so that the blonde girl couldn't breathe for a moment. "That's why Ririkas stare bothered me..."

Mary's mind had not thought about it, yet her body had considered it from the very beginning. The moment Mary realized why she had been so discomforted, the wrapping feeling disappeared at once. Instead it was almost immediately replaced with a scorching prickly sensation all over her body which Mary couldn't classify in the slightest whether or not it was a repulsive or a pleasing sensation. "I am just imagining it, right?" asked the blonde girl herself who was feeling a little agitated. Mary's blood felt like it was flowing in the wrong direction as Mary couldn't feel her fingers anymore as her body inconveniently forgot what it's job was, sending all that fast flowing blood through random organs which in response to all that blood were all panicking as well, giving a tickling sensation. Mary, slightly disturbed and suddenly very awake, stared intensely at the whitehaired girl, trying to find proof for her assumption, even if she really hoped she wouldn't find anything.

However Mary was getting more nervous the moment she actually found unusual details in her abductors behavior. Ririka in fact was breathing little off, her rosy cheeks being just a tiny amount more flushed than Mary had in memory as there seemed to be even a faint red bridge over the nose. Ririka was leaning her head on her own shoulder as she still looked with thirsty eyes at the tied up girl. Seeing those details made Mary unable to move a muscle or even think. The blonde girl just stared silently at Ririka, not knowing what to do. "She definitely seems like something is going on with her..."Mary kept looking at Ririka, trying to shut off her gut feeling and instead focus more on what she was actually seeing. From the blonde girls perspective Ririka as a whole still seemed very calm.

"I am totally overreacting..." tried Mary to convince herself. Although Ririka was showing some suspicious facets, they were all very minor and unnoticeable so that one would need to pay very close attention to even see them. Mary took a deep breath, after which her body loosened up a little. "Nah...Ririka looks and behaves completely normal..." by neglecting the few red flags, which she had surely had just dramatized, Mary once more tried to persuade her soul into believing that conviction. "There is now way that she would have any lewd thoughts while looking at me..." proclaimed Mary in a slightly unsure way even though she concurrently was amused by her own ridiculousness.

It annoyed Mary severely that that weird assumption didn't seem to want to leave yet, however Mary just brushed it off and instead smiled warmly under the tape in a naive way at the whitehaired girl who did nothing but to just calmly glanced back. If it weren't for that tape Mary would have then smirked as she suddenly felt much more confident and sanguine. "What am I even thinking?" the blonde girl had to giggle faintly as she looked entertained at her abductor, "It's Ririka...she is an innocent angel she would nev..."

It was at that moment that Ririka suddenly bit down on her velvet lip in a very sensual way. Ririka also swallowed some of her saliva in that moment. Mary's warm smile got tacked onto her face as she stared in disbelief at the whitehaired girl who was blushing a little more all of a sudden. The lip bite had actually been quite subtle yet Mary had clearly seen it. Finally Mary's body found a solution to what to do with all that blood...sending it to Mary's face seemed like the perfect idea.

Finally the smile on the bright red girl disappeared as she looked extremely flustered and also worried at Ririka. "N-No w-way thats.." Mary's body felt like it was on fire as her mind started going blank. There were no doubts or excuses anymore in Mary's mind as it was quite clear what was going on. The tied up girl felt incredibly helpless as she felt trapped, not just by the ropes but also by Ririkas aquamarine eyes which were looking at Mary in a very lustful way. Mary instantly felt like she needed to do something to which her first instinct was to get Ririkas attention. The blonde girl let some agitated and also indignant grumbles and whines, while jolting her body from the side so that Ririka would pay attention to her. Although Mary made quite the ruckus, Ririka didn't react in any way, not even looking up, which just heightened Mary' assumption.

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