Stormy Night (Part 12)

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A sweet, nigh straight out of a siren melody originating, whisper penetrated into Mary's still sleeping brain. That was enough to stimulate some neurons which immediately yearned to embrace more of that dulcet voice that so drastically seemed to want the, in a still somewhat comatose state being, girl's attention. However it's profound gentleness turned out to also be it's greatest flaw as instead of pulling Mary out of her dreamworld, the vocalization of the sleeping girl's name incorporated itself so well into the comfortable feeling's individual sleeping consciousness, that it didn't even get recognized as to be a disruptive voice from outside.

 On Mary's skin that was not under the blanket it almost felt like there was a warm, velvety piece of textile that was so thin that even a nettles stinger would look thick in comparison. The bedroom the two girls had spent the night in was being flooded with a bright, completely pure aureate light. Single batches of sunray's were entering through the massive window which clear glass was allowing them to enter without modifying their form in any way. In spite of everything, this all was happening with the sun having risen, yet so little above the horizon, that the trees outside were still somewhat of an obstacle to the light. When averting the gaze from inside the window to outside of it, an breathtaking cerulean colored sky could be seen where not so long ago raven dark clouds had used to clog the atmosphere. Now however, there was not a single accumulation of gaseous water on the entire canvas that could in any way be seen as threatening.

 There still and all were a lot of clouds there, especially at the horizon where they had formed almost a veil, however they all had shrunken down to such a small size and were leaving so much space between each other that it was almost like the sky had freckles. The belly's of those winsome sky habitants were shining in a playful hot pink as the morning rays were still reflecting on them. The horror landscape which had labeled the near entirety of last night had changed so much that even just affirming the storm's past attendance would lead one straight to a madhouse. 

A few heavy, asymmetrical raindrops, the only visual proof of last night's horrors, were still adhering to the window that was granting view to what was inside of the room. This allowed for something truly sensational to occur as whenever the said sunray's would collide with the, on the window just idling water droplets, an almost angelic effect would get created as the light would get split into its constituents and a faint spectrum of rainbow colors would shimmer into the room. The colors flew over the, in bed laying, girls before hitting, in the very back, the rooms wall, where the different light tones would gently dance and mix with each other, which caused for the light to return back to white light with a few waves of colors once in a while breaking out of it. However one after the other, in progressively slower getting intervals, the raindrops were losing the fight against gravity, resulting in them slowly sliding down the window, with some clinging to it until the last moment on the way down while others would practically jump off.

 Disregarding the few pine trees, the plants outside with their red and orange leaves seemed a bit roughed up, nonetheless their glorious colors and the, because of autumn thinner gotten, leaves would play most beautifully with the morning light, it truly turning the whole scenery into something unicorn vomit resembling. Even some residents that called the Momobamis garden or rather the Momobami forest their home, that had last night sat through the heavy storm in their cozy shelters similar to Mary and Ririka, seemed to gradually find the courage to peek out of their dens, nests and whatnot, with the instinctive intention to check out the situation outside. The still wet ground wasn't an issue for any animal, so quickly the first started already repairing the damage to their homes the storm had caused while others literally acted like nothing had happened and would just commence their day by sauntering around and already searching for a meal. 

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