Chapter 6: Mine

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Tip 6: Don't be afraid to lie, just be sure you don't get caught.

Lisa's POV

For the past few days I've been ignoring Irene as much as possible, avoiding her at all cost while I busied myself with an excuse of 'Homework' and after school activities, which is my training with Taehyung. I am currently in the martial arts club practicing, the members were sparring in pairs while Taehyung taught me a few moves before I could join the them, since they're a few days ahead of training than me.

"Duck!" I hear a voice command then my body bend down and avoided a spinning kick that Taehyung threw at me. Looking back up to him I glared. "The hell Tae?! You could've knocked me out cold!"

"That's why you should pay attention." He lectured, stepping back and took out his training gloves. "You seem out of the ordinary, is there anything wrong?" He asked.

Shaking my head for a no. "Nothing's wrong." I replied, loosing the belt on my hips.

"You sure?" He insisted. "Have you and Irene gotten into a fight? Because I notice you've been trying hard to avoid her."

I hushed him quietly and looked around the room to see if someone had heard it. Grabbing him by the arm, I hastily pulled him away from the others and lead him to the other room where there's no other presence. Scanning the area to see if the coast was clear and nobody saw the two of us entering the room I closed the doors and turned to Taehyung.

"Lis, what are we going to do he-"

"Look, think I know who the killer is." I cut him off, earning his attention.

Taehyung stepped towards me. "Who?"

"It's Irene."

"What are you saying?" He gazed at me in disbelief. "How could you accuse Irene, your girlfriend, as killer?"

"I may sound crazy but it's true you gotta believe me."

"How do you say?"

I paced back and forth in the room while Taehyung watched me as he waited for my explanation. "Last week when I got home from school, I went to the living room to take a rest, just when I'm about to fall asleep I heard someone breaking in our house-"

"Someone broke in to your house?!" My martial arts leader interrupted. "Did you report it to the police?"

"Just let me finish," I told him, which he nodded his head and kept quiet. "I pretended to be asleep since I got scared then something weird happened, I expected that they will take the things they wanted and get the hell out but no, they caressed my face they're afraid to hurt me.." I trailed off, not knowing how to express my thoughts and explain it to my friend.

Turning to Taehyung I see him blankly staring at me. "You believe me...right?"

Taehyung sighed deeply. "You're my friend and as a friend I'm going to be honest," He stated, placing a hand on my shoulder. "It's not that I don't believe you but you can't pin this on Irene if you don't have any proof."

Licking my dry lips from talking I nodded at his statement. "Alright, I get it. I shouldn't just assume things like this."

Taehyung nodded at my words. "So I'll investigate," He then groaned at me. "What? you said I needed proof, and I'll find one."

"But how are you supposes to do that? where do you start?" Taehyung questions.

"I don't... really know where to start." I contemplate, scratching my chin.

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