Chapter 11: Taehyung Knows

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Third Person's POV

"Are you sure that they're here?" Tiffany asked, arm hooked around Wendy's.

The group stared at the towering house in front of them. It was eerily quiet in the neighbourhood where Irene lives, the same as her house; the blinds were down and they can't sense even a slight presence inside. Taehyung craned his neck through the iron gate, peering around to see if there were other entrance that they can access.

"No, but there's nothing wrong in finding out." Taehyung says, his eyes switching to the other house next to the ones they're standing before them.

He scanned the abandoned house, or what he assumed as an abandoned house seeing that there were cracks on the windows, faded and moldy white colored brick walls and dusty transparent tarpaulins flapping violently from the air blowing. His eyes shift up the dead tree standing at the side of the house, and he followed the branch to find it outstretched towards a window to Irene's house.


"Yeah there's nothing wrong," Jackson sarcastically comments, rolling his eyes. "I mean, it's not that we're trespassing or anything."

Taehyung scoffs. "Shut up." Walking to the other property.

The rest followed Taehyung, their heads hung the same as Seulgi had ever since the morning, which sparked up a lot of confusion around the group knowing that Seulgi is mostly the talkative one in the group. Taehyung holds on to the rusted gate, the smell of strong iron filling his nose, and leisurely pushed it forward with an ear piercing sound of rusted metal hinges opening.

All of them stepped through, their eyes studying the area; dead tree trunks and leaves scattered around the property and moss already forming on the cobble path leading to the front door. Taehyung holds on a branch closer to his reach, testing its sturdiness for a moment, then spring up to reach for another branch and all the way up until he makes it in front of a window. He sat on the thick branch, letting his feet dangle below him while he looks towards his friends.

"I'm not going inside alone."

Jackson shoved Seulgi forward. "Go with him."

"Why me?" Seulgi frowned at him, eyes switching between Taehyung and Jackson.

"I know few defensive moves, I'll guard the girls while you both are inside."

Seulgi rolled her eyes at him before proceeding to follow Taehyung up the tree doing the same as he did. Both of them crawling across the branch, Taehyung pressed his palms on the window and attempt push it up which surprised him that the window was unlocked. They slipped through the window and looked around the organised room of what they guessed to be Irene's with her pictures hanging on the walls giving it away.

"Look around and try to find something that would help us know their whereabouts." Taehyung instructs, going over the desk drawers and yank it open one by one.

Seulgi's body slouched, if there was something to be searched it was her, but she wouldn't tell Taehyung that. She quietly trudge around the room, mindlessly eyeing the room pretending to follow Taehyung's request. Her eyes set upon the kept bed and instantly knew Lisa and Irene weren't the ones here before, Lisa's familiar pair of clothes that was neatly folded is on the side of the bed untouched, making a slight movement of confusion in Seulgi's expression.

The room has never been touched.

"Have you found something?" Taehyung's voice interrupt Seulgi's thoughts.

"Nothing." The girl mumbled quietly, her eyes meeting Taehyung's expecting face.

Just then they heard the front door of the house downstairs open. ("Shit." Someone cursed.) Both of them looked at each other with wide eyes. They hurried towards the window, squeezing their bodies through that they almost thought it turned smaller at the state of panic of being caught because it felt harder than what they did before. With Taehyung being the last out, he hopped off the window and landed safely on the branch while Seulgi was trying to balance herself. They hear a loud crack, their bodies freezing on their spot.

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