☆A Tragic Backstory☆

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All I feel is pain. I don't remember when I started feeling like this, but I know it has been a while. All I see is black. My room has nothing in it. It's just pitch black. There's this big scary man that comes in my room to grab me every day. He has black hair and blue eyes like mine. He says he's my father, but he doesn't act like one. I thought fathers loved their daughters and protected them. He doesn't do that.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear loud footsteps. Oh no, he's coming. He opens the door and walks to me to grab my wrist. He starts pulling me to the scary room. The scary room is all white, it's where he takes me to do the experiments. He's says they're helpful, but they never do anything but hurt me. He pushes me to the ground.

"Stay there." He demands.

He walks a little bit away from me and puts his hand up. He moves it in a weird way and I feel this rush of pain come over me. It feels like every bone in my body is breaking and my insides are going out.

"Do you feel anything?" He asks.

I didn't answer

"SPEAK!" He yells.

"All...I feel is...pain." I stutter out.

"You have to feel some type of power." He says in disappointment.

Power. There, he goes again with the whole power thing. I don't know what this power is and I have no clue why he thinks I have it. He puts his hand down and grabs my wrist. He pulls me all the way to my room and leaves me there.

I feel a wave of something come over me, the thing I'm very familiar with, loneliness. I don't know a lot of things about me. No one has ever told me a lot of things either. I know my name is Sora, I have white hair, and blue eyes. I know I'm five years old. I know who my father is, but I have no idea who my mother is. I have never been outside. I only know this room and the scary room.

I layed on the floor a little bit longer until I felt my eyelids start closing and then I lost consciousness.

I woke up to my father pulling me by the wrist. We're starting earlier than usual. He pulls me back to my spot on the floor and walks to his spot.

"You're awake." He points out.

He raised his hand again and I felt the pain come back. It feels different. It hurts more then usual, but there's something else. I feel stronger like I could stop what he's doing.

"Do you feel anything?" He asks.

"Yes." I respond.

"What..what do you feel?" He asks as his eyes open in shock.

"I feel stronger." I answer.

"Use that, stand up and use your hands to make your power stop me." He tells me.

I start standing up. I put my hands how his hands are and move them how he always does. He was pushed back into the wall.

"Congratulations, you have a quirk." He declares.

A quirk? What is a quirk? He grabs my wrists and pulls me back to my room. I lay down on my floor. All I can think about is what a quirk is. I layed there the entire night thinking about it.

☆Five years later☆

From that day forward, my father stopped bringing me to the scary room. Instead, he brought me outside. He told me that 80% of the world has a quirk. A quirk is a power you are given at birth. My quirks is telekinesis. I can move anything. I inherited a bit of my fathers quirk so I can move people's bodies. I recently discovered that I can control anything on the periodic table. Random right. I brought it up to my father and he got mad and told me not to medel with that part of my quirk.

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