☆I'm A Villain☆

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   It's the second day of school and I'm sitting at my desk with my head in my arms. Trying to sleep.

   "I am here Who said that? Well, I guess I can't sleep now.

   "Coming through the door like a hero!" All Might says while holding himself by the door.

   Oh, it's All Might. Hello All Might.

   "Welcome to the most important class at UA High. Think of it as 'Hero-ing 101.' Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get into it." All Might says while striking a pose.

   If you really think about it. All Might and Present Mic are really similar.

   "Today's lesson will pull no punches!" All Might declares. "But one of the keys of being a hero is... looking good! These were designed for you based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started."

   He points out the cases coming from the wall. Yes, hero outfits! The best thing about being a hero. And other things.

   "Get yourselves suited up, and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!" All Might told us.


   Everyone starts appearing at the gates of Training Ground Beta. They all look so cool! I look down to see my hero outfit. It's a tight, long white sleeve shirt that goes all the way to my hand and wraps around my middle finger. A white skirt and a blue belt that has compartments to put food in. Finally, zero-gravity white heels that go below the middle of my calf. I look so cool!

   "They say that clothes make the pros, young ladies and gentlemen, and behold, you are the proof!" All mights says. I mean, we do look really cool.

   "Take this to heart. From now on, you are all...heros in training!" All Might beamed.

   "This is getting me all revved up. You look so cool! Now. Shall we get started? You buncha newbies?" All Might asked.

   "Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training." All Might declares.

   "Sir! This is the fake city from our entrance exam. Does that mean that we'll be conducting urban battles again?" Four eyes asks.

   "Not quite. I'm going to move you two steps ahead. Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However, statistically speaking, run-ins with the most dastardly evildoers take place indoors." All Might explains. "Think about it. Backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows."

   "For this training exercise, you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two-on-two or two-on-three indoor battles." All Might continues.

   "Isn't this a little advanced?" Frog girl asks.

   "The best training is what you get on the battlefield! But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time. You're dealing with actual people now." All Might says.

   "Sir, will you be the one deciding who wins?" Pony tail questioned.

   "How much can we hurt the other team?" Angry eyes asks.

   "Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled like earlier?" Rosy cheeks questioned.

   "Will you be splitting us up based on chance or comparative skill?" Four eyes asks while raising his hand.

   "Isn't this cap trÃ''s chic?" Glow beam asks. That's random.

   "I wasn't finished talking! Listen up. The situation is this. The villains have hidden a nuclear missle somewhere in their hideout. The heroes must try to foil their plans. To do that, the good guys either have to catch the evildoers or recover the weapon." All Might explains. "Likewise, if the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the heroes. Time's limited, and we'll choose teams by drawing lots!"

Celestial Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora