☆Screw The League Of Villans☆

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   We were walking in the water, heading to land. I think I'm gonna take a break from swimming for a couple of weeks.

    "I had a good poop this morning, which makes my balls stickier. They're not goin' anywhere!" The weird kid laughed. I don't want to know that.

   "Can't believe we managed to get all of 'em at once. It took everything I had to keep my composure. It was such a gamble." Midoriya mumbles. "What if they'd had reserves underwater that we didn't know about? They could've..."

   "You're creeping me out. Stop it. Please." Tsu stops walking. "Instead of second guessing what we did, shouldn't we think about our next move?"

   "Yeah. You're totally right. Ah--" Midoriya flinches and closes his eyes.

   "Are you okay?" Tsu asks.

   "Yeah. Fine. Don't worry about me.we should make getting help our top priority!" Midoriya says. "If we follow the shore to the exit, then we can avoid the central plaza entirely."

    "Good idea. That way, we don't run into the villains, Mr. Aizawa's facing off with there." Tsu agrees.

    "If he doesn't get some backup, then he's just going to overexert himself. He'll end up defeated by those villains cause he was trying to keep us safe." Midoriya says.

    "Wait. Don't tell me you're suggesting...?" The weird kid begins. "Are you trying to get us killed or something."

   "I'm not saying that we should jump into the middle of a battle. But... maybe we can find it. A way to take a few of those guys out and lighten his load." Midoriya explains. I don't know about this.

   I hear a gut-wrenching scream. I look over where it came from. To see a big purple thing over Mr. Aizawa breaking his bones.

   "No... No! I can't watch this anymore
We should be getting out of here superfast, shouldn't we?" The weird kid whispers under his hands.

    I try to move, but all I can do is just stand there. I feel like kid again. Standing there only being able to watch my father brutly murder someone. Having no power to stop him. I feel completely useless. No, Sora! You are not useless. You are here for a reason. Show them why.

   "Huh? Did I hear that right?" The weird kid asks. I was to in my thoughts to know what the villains were saying. "Did he just say they're gonna just leave?"

   "That's what it sounded like to me." Tsu answers.

   "Yes! That's amazing! We're safe and we don't have to fight." The weird kid graps Tsu in a weird place.

   "Uh, yeah. But..." Tsu starts drowning the weird kid. "I have a real bad feeling about this, Midoriya, Yamada."

   "It seems weird that they'd retreat at this point, even if help is on the way." Midorya says.

    "Oh, before we leave, let's make sure the Symbol of Peace is broken." I hear the blue hair villain say. "Let's wreck his pride."

    He turns over to us and jumps.

    "Let's make this hurt." His hand is stretched out close to my face and the other towards Tsu. He stops just before his hand touches me.

   "You really are so cool..." He says. "Eraser Head."

   Midoryia and I jump up at the same time. He's on the right of the villain and I'm on the left.

   "You! Let her go! Now! Smash!" Midoriya yells.

   I wave of water and air push towards my direction. Cleary ment for the villain, but big enough to affect me. When the smoke vanishes, I see the purple guy where Midoriya was. I landed a little ways from the blue hair villain.

   "You're pretty powerful. This 'smash' of yours... Are you one of All Might's disciples?" He seems to be distracted.

   I stand up. I can't get to close where his hands are. Something happens if he touches you and I don't really want to find out. I put my hands on either side of me. I start lifting them up, feeling that their heavy then usual. I look behind me to see pieces of the ground lifted up. I put my hand in front of me and push the pieces towards the villain.

   "Those eyes? I know those eyes." The villain dodged my attack. "You're Pain's daughter."

    I freeze. How does he know that?

   "Say, what do you feel about joining me? Sense your father raised you. You have to know why I'm doing this, right?" He asks me.

   "Go to hell!" I shout.

   "What a pity. We could've done wonders with you." What a sociopath. "Doesn't matter. I'm done with you know."

   The purple thing graps Midoriya. Tsu sticks her tongue out to grab him and the villain pushes his hand out to the weird kid. I put my hand out to pull the villain back from Mineta. But before I could, I loud bang noise rings in my ear and all I can see is smoke where the noise came from. Everything stops. I look to see a figure in the smoke. Is that music playing? Where is that coming from?

   "Have no fear, students. I am here!" All Might declares coming out of the smoke completely.

   "Look, we're saved!" Mineta crys out.

   "He's here... All Might..." Midoriya says, wraped in Tsu's tong.

    Think the Lord all mighty. Hehe, Lord all mighty. All Might.

   "Ah. Looks like our game's getting a continue." The villain says. Oh, shut up already.

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