☆Stupid Tired Dude☆

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   "Forty-two of you qualified to move on to the next round. Gird your loins and prepare for your next test. A Cavalry Battle!" Midnight says. "Those of you at the top will suffer the most. Of course, that's something you'll hear over and over again at UA. Show us what 'Plus Ultra' means! Izuku Midoriya placed first in the qualifier. He'll be worth ten million!"

   "First years! These are the rules that you'll abide by: the game itself will last 15 minutes. Individual point values will be added together to reach your team total. Everyone will know how much you're worth thanks to your headbands. Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your team's score. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. Sp the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them. And another thing. Even if your headband gets stolen or your team falls down, you can keep playing until time's up."

   "So, if you lose your headband at the beginning, you have more time to make up a plan." Mine thinks out loud.

   "I dunno, Mina. Maybe we should wait and see how the teams turn out before we start strategizing." Tsu suggests. Sounds way better than what Mina said.

    "This is going to be rough. You may use your Quirks as much as you like." Midnight says. "But there are still rules! Make a team fall km purpose and I'll slap you with a red card. You'll be disqualified! Now, you've got 15 minutes to build your teams. I recommend you get started."

   I walk right over to Shouji. He is going to be the one who holds me on the right. Shouji's Quirk will help me know where everyone is and he js very strong so I he can hold all of my body weight if needed.

   "Shouji." I call his name and he looks at me. "Can you be on my team?"

   "Sure, no one else asked me." He says. "But why do you need me?"

   "Your Quirk will help us know where everyone else is and you can loft me up." I answer.

   "We? Where is the other person?" He looks around.

   "Hagakure. I haven't asked her yet, but I thought you would be asked before her, so I went to you first." I replay. "Let's go find her."

   I find the invisible girl standing by herself looking around, shaking.

   "Hey, Hagakure, want to be on my team with Shouji?" I ask her.

    "Really! You want me!" She jumps up.

    "Yeah, I need someone quick on their feet and you're the best one." I smile at her. She nods and goes next to me and Shouji.

   "So the plan is pretty simple. Sense I got 2nd in the last game we already have a lot of points. Shouji, you will be on my right side. You're going to look around to make sure no one gets near us. Hagakure, you will be on my left side. You will be useful in case we have to run and you're invisible so the other teams may wonder where you are. I'm going to be on top. I will use my Quirk to lift people's headbands off without touching them." I explain. "Our plan is to stay defense. We will not run after Midoriya or anyone with high points. Will pick at the smaller people to make our points higher. In case someone is after us, I will use my Quirk to get them away and if that doesn't work, run. We will stay in our spot, we will not go near other teams, we stay far away from them, and attack them from a far. Is that good with you?"
    "Understood." Shouji nods his head.

    "Yes ma'am!" Hagakure does a fake salute. The timer goes out signaling that choosing teams are done.

   "Oh, goody. It's time to get this party started." Midnight says. We're all put in different sections of the grass around the middle of the arena. My one thigh is on Hagakure shoulder and my other thigh is being held by Shouji sense he's so tall.i put my head band on. 420 points all put together. I better not lose this one.

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