3. Weird Vibes.

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"So Teecee is it?" Renè asked as he sat causing me to slightly move over and smile. "Why are you in my house?" Good question, because I can be. Problem?

"Well, as you know Janet adopted me so now I'm here." I wrote down in my notebook.

"Oh, so you can't talk?" He rose a brow.

"No sir." I looked around. "So, where did Janet go?"

"She went out to the gym with Tina."

"Oh okay cool, where's Caden at?"

"He's upstairs sleeping." He scooted closer to me.

"Okay, well I will be in my room if you need me, I guess." I got up to walk away but he grabbed my hair and yanked me back.

"Look here you little bitch, I don't know where the fuck you came from or why you're here but you are going to do what I say and when I say it you understand?!" Who does he think he is? I shook my head yes so he could let go of me becusee he has a very tight grip on my hair.

"Great, we understand each other. This is my house and you will listen or there will be punishments." He let go of my hair pushing me away.

Yo, this dude is tripping foreal. Whatever floats his boat though. Caden began to cry so I went to his room to calm him down. He likes when I dance around with him that always puts him to sleep. He went back to sleep so I went back to my room and just waited for Janet to come home.

I took about a four and a half hour nap and woke up to the smell of food being made. I grabbed my notebook then made my way downstairs. "Oh, hey sleepy head." Janet smiled.

I smiled as I waved. "Dinner will be ready pretty soon so just chill out until then." I slightly nodded. I want to tell her about what Renè did but I doubt she'll believe me so I'll just keep it to myself.

"Did Aaliyah come by today?" I shook my head 'no', that Aaliyah chick irks me but it's whatever. She's a touchy feely type and I don't like that. "So, did you like your day with her?"

"It was fine she just kept touching me and I don't like that."

"Well, you should have told her that."

Renè came downstairs. "Hey babe." He kissed her cheek before smiling at me.

"Hey honey."

"How's daddy's big boy?" He took Caden from her.

"Oh Renè, Mike and Nippy should be here any minute now." Said Janet. My eyes shot open, MICHAEL JACKSON WILL BE IN THE SAME HOUSE AS ME. HOOMAHGAWD! Calm down Telicia he's just another human being. Bitch fuck that! He's Michael fucking Jackson! I wonder who Nippy is though.

"Okay cool." He smiled at me before walking off.

"Teecee, can you set the table for me?" She smiled, I slightly nodded before walking to the dinning room.

I got everything from the center of the table and set them in the correct spots. As soon as I was finished I heard the door bell ring. I got very excited at the sound as I went to go answer it. I smiled wide as u opened the door then my smile disappeared when I saw who was at the door.

"Hi Teecee!" She hugged me tightly. I forced a smile as I pulled away slightly pushing her off of me. She barged in the house. "Janet?!" She yelled, I turned around and looked at her like she was stupid. Luckily, her back was turned to me so she didn't see my face.

I shut the door before walking into the living room. "Hey baby girl!" Janet exclaimed as she hugged her tightly. Why do they hug like that? Don't they see each other every day or something? "Aaliyah, Michael and Nippy should be here any minute."

She smiled wide. "Yay! Where's Caden?"

"Renè ran off with him some where." Janet turned around to finish what she was doing.

Aaliyah's smile quickly disappeared. "Oh." She said lowly as she looked down at her timberlands. "Well, I'll be in the living room if you need any help." She shrugged as she walked towards the couch.

That's weird as hell, her whole vibe just changed. She plopped down next to me. "How you doing Teecee?"

"I'm doing pretty good, you?" I handed her my notebook.

"I'm good, just going through stuff you know?" She sighed.

I nodded. "You want to talk about it?"

"Thanks but-" She was cut off by the door bell ringing. I got excited again, I think she should get the door because if I do I am going to pass out. That would be hella embarrassing. Aaliyah looked up at me. "Aren't you going to get the - ooooh." She smiled. "I see, I'll go get it."

I walked away and a few moments later in walked the greatest man to ever live. Then a lady walked in behind him causing my eyes to almost pop out of the sockets. WHITNEY ELIZABETH FUCKING HOUSTION is Nippy! Hoomahgawd I didn't know that! She is my freaking wife.

Three fucking legends are in the same house as me. "You must be Telicia?" Michael asked before sticking his hand out.

I just looked at his hand I couldn't move at all. I was just stuck. He smiled. "I take it you are." He hugged me then grabbed Whitney. "Well, this is my wife Whitney." My smile faded, Whitney is married. My dreams were crushed in a matter of ten seconds.

She walked up to me and my smile came back. "Hi Telicia." She hugged me.

"H-hiii!" I breathed out but of course no sound was made. She looked at me weird then walked away. Wow. I just made a fool of myself in front of my idol.

Soon dinner was ready so we all sat at the table. Aaliyah sat next to me and Renè sat next to her. Once he sat down her while demeanor change she stiffened up.

Nobody seemed to notice but me. "So, how old are you Telicia?" Michael asked.

I wrote my age on a new sheet of paper then handed it to him. "You can't speak?" He rose a brow.

I shook my head 'no'. "Well alright." He smiled.

Out of nowhere Aaliyah dropped her drink on the floor. I automatically helped her clean up the mess. "Janet I have to go I'm sorry."

"Wait, why? We're in the middle of eating dinner." Aaliyah glanced at me.

"Nippy and Mike it was wonderful seeing you again I hope to see you soon. I have to go I'll see you guys tomorrow." She hurried out the house.


Hey, long time no see right? Y'all likey?


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