9. Surprises

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I had to come straight home after a performance because Kida was having some type of pregnancy problem. Which turned out to be heartburn.

"Kida, you know you costed me an interview?" I don't want to be mad her because this is her first pregnancy but she can't interrupt my career over heartburn. "I know liyah I was just scared. I'm so sorry. You're performance was amazing though." She smiled wide.

"Thanks kiki." I smiled. I've been with Kida this whole pregnancy. She's the big sister I've never a had it feels good.


Janet's been rehearsing for the tour lately which leaves me at home watching Caden. I'm starting to think that's the whole reason for my adoption because who just randomly decides to adopt a teenager.

Caden cooed as I fed him his dinner. He's usually never this calm for me. It's probably because René is here, he's happy. After I fed him I took him outside with me to rock him to sleep.

The wind was so peaceful, he fell right asleep. I really didn't feel like taking him in the house so I kept him in my arms. I saw Aaliyah coming towards the house and sighed. "Hey Tee." She smiled.

I smiled back as she sat next to us. "Janet here?" She asked as she drew imaginary circles in the concrete. She glanced up at me and I shook my head. We sat there for awhile until it started to get dark. 

"Imma head home it's getting dark." She said as she stood up. I held on to a sleeping Caden as I stood up also. I grabbed her arm because I kind of didn't want her to go. I liked her company.

She said nothing as we walked in the house. She sat on the couch as I took Caden to his room. I made my way back down to see the devil himself sitting on the couch next to her. He her forehead as he slowly caressed her cheek.

She looked up at with the most terrified look on her face. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed her arm yanking her off the couch. I dragged her upstairs to my bedroom. "Thanks Tee." She gave a weak smile causing me to roll my eyes once again.

I got some pajamas out of my dresser a threw a pair at her before making my way to the bathroom. After closing the door behind me I looked at myself in the mirror.

I shook my head at my reflection. Deep down I dreaded every single moment Aaliyah wasn't here. I shook the thought out my head as I changed into my pajamas.

I walked out of the bathroom to see that she wasn't in the room. I sighed because she's trying it with me. If Janet sees her here that's my ass. I walked into Caden's to see if she was in there which she wasn't. I went  to the kitchen to grab a water bottle as I was about to walk out I bumped into her. I knew it had something to do with Renè.

I walked past her shaking my head. She followed after me into my room before closing the door.  I grabbed my notebook. "Talk!"

"There's nothing to talk about." She smiled as she sat on the bean bag chair. I crossed my arms glaring at her. She sighed. "It's all a mistake Tee. He said it would help my career all I had to do was help him when he needed it. He helped Janet with her career so I trusted him. I fell in love."

I sat next to her. "Can I have a hug?" She asked as tears ran down her face. I hugged her tightly. The words 'I fell in love' replayed in my mind.

She fell in love with a married man who was more than twice her age. I felt a soft spot for her.

"Aaliyah." I tried to say but of course nothing came out. "Aaliyah." Nothing.

"Aaliyah!" I blurted. Her head shot up at me. "Did you just...?" She looked shocked as ever.

"Aaliyah?" I said again to make sure this wasn't a dream. "Telicia?"

I jumped up. "The whole time you were walking here all scared you were fucking her husband!" I paced the room because this is too much to take in at once. I'm talking and Aaliyah is walking around here pleasuring Renè.

"You have to tell Janet! Or I'll tell her myself!" I yelled.

"No no! Teecee! I can't tell her! She'll never forgive me! She's gonna tell my parents and we're gonna have to move back to New York!" She cried out. Janet's never going to forgive me. I was just starting to feel some type of way about Aaliyah then this happens.

I stopped pacing, "oh my..." I mumbled. I broke my promise. My dad told me not to say anything and I broke it.

"Aaliyah?" I looked at her.

"Yes?" She wiped her tears.

"You love him?"


"Aaliyah do you love that man?!"

"... yes." She said a little above a whisper. "You're telling Janet and that's the end of it!" I walked in the bathroom.

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