7. Chilling At Toni's

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"Did you enjoy the party?" Janet asked, I smiled and nodded. "That's great! I want you to feel at home, I don't want you being uncomfortable anymore." She kissed my cheek. I wanted to tell her that it's her damn husband that makes me uncomfortable.

"Hey babe." René walked in and kissed her lips. He doesn't look like he could get with someone like Janet but whatever floats her boat.

"Hey baby! Oh ya, I'm going to Tina's house and I'm taking Telicia with me do you want me to leave Caden here? He's upstairs sleeping."

"Ya. Go enjoy your day love." He smiled.

"Are you going to actually watch him René?" She questioned.

"Yes baby yes! Go enjoy your day with your friend Janet. He is my son too."

"Alright René, let's go Teecee. Go wait in the car, I'll be there in a second." She said before running upstairs. I grabbed my notebook and headed to the garage before Rene could say anything to me. Soon enough Janet was in the car. "I sure hope René doesn't burn down the house. He doesn't know what to do with a child."

She turned the radio to hear Southernplayalisticadillacmuzic by Outkast playing so she turned it up louder. "This that shit right here!" She yelled over there music. She doesn't look like the type to get this turnt, but hey. "Do you want to go out to eat before we head to Toni's?" She questioned causing to give her a confused look because I could have sworn she told René we were going to Tina's house.

"René isn't much of a fan of Toni so, I had to come up with something." I nodded before shaking my head. That song went off and If came on but she changed the station. I looked up at her, "I don't listen to my music unless I'm getting ready to tour." Once we made it to Toni's house she was standing outside waiting for us.

Janet got out and ran to her. "Tone, I missed you!" She hugged her.

They just seen each other last night. "Hey Telicia!" Toni hugged me. I smiled at her before pushing her away a little because I would have done something to her. "Tish is here Janet."

Janet rolled her eyes but smiled anyway. "Great!" She grinned. We walked in to hear Jodi Watley playing all throughout the house and Janet went straight to the kitchen so I sat on the couch.

"Make yourself at home honey, do you want anything to drink?" She offered.

I shook my head and smiled. Janet came out with two glasses of something and handed one to Toni. "Hey Janet!" Some lady smiled as she walked in the living room.

"Hello Tish." Janet sipped her drink.

"Well Toni, I'll see you later also it's great to see you again Janet." She hugged Toni before heading out the house.

"Let's head to the back Janet, you're free to come with Telicia." She told us. I got up and walked out back behind them. It looked like a forest back here like you could get lost. That's something I would love to do one day...get lost in a forest. Maybe for a couple of days just myself and I. The trees remind me of my parents.

I don't remember much about my mother but I know she loved nature. I miss my parents, well my dad since I really never knew my mother. From what I do know is I looked just like her as a child.

I began to walk around to leave Janet and Toni alone.


"Did I tell you that I told Aaliyah she could no longer come over?" I said before taking a sip of my wine.

"No. What happened this time?" She asked.

"Something is up with her Tone. I just don't know what it is yet. Like one day, we were at the mall and Teecee was getting ready to tell me something but Aaliyah snatched her notebook and ripped her paper up."

"She's just being a teenager Janet that's what they do."

"I guess you're right." I smiled at her. "I don't know if Teecee likes being here."

"Why you say that?" She began to rub my back.

"She's pretty distant. She hit it off with Liyah, but I don't know if she likes me."

"Jo, that girl likes you! You're Janet Jackson! Who doesn't like you?" She smiled.

"Lots of people don't."

"They're crazy." She laid her head on my shoulder.

"You're crazy Toni and I love you for that." I kissed her lips.

"Mmm." She smiled, "Very much so and you know I love you too, but where did Telicia run off to?" She asked.

"Maybe somewhere in the trees let's go look for her." I got up off her lap and grabbed her hand. "Teecee!" I yelled.

"There she is by the shed." Toni said as she led me to the shed. "You guys hungry?"

"I could eat." I smiled as Teecee looked up at us. We made it in the house and she began cooking a whole meal. I looked up at Teecee and she was staring at Toni in pure amazement like she was the only person in the world. I nudged Toni, "look at her tone." She looked back and smiled causing Teecee to nearly collapse but she contained herself. That's quite adorable to me Telicia has a little crush on her.



"Aaliyah, why aren't you with Janet?" Kida, my brother Rashad's girlfriend asked.

"I was just on my way over there, I want to apologize to her."

"What happened?" She rose a brow.

"Ask my mom." I made my way out the house and over to theirs. I knocked a few time but my knocks were not answered. I finally decided to get the key from under one of the rocks and walk in. "Helloooo? Anyone?" Nothing.

I walked in the house shutting the door behind me then made my way up to her room. I heard woos coming from Caden's room so I walked in. He was in his crib playing with his toys so I picked him up. "Where's your mommy love bug?" He hit me in the head with his toy, "so that's how we're going to be today?" I laughed shaking my head.

I walked downstairs with him. "I know you're not here alone, where are your parents?" I asked him knowing I wouldn't get an answer.

"Bye bye!" He said.

"Mommy went bye bye?" I giggled, "well since we can't seem to find daddy I'll watch you." I smiled. I felt a hand on my shoulder and got scared. I quickly turned around to see René smiling at me.

"Hello, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to apologize to Janet but I see that she isn't here."

"She left awhile ago with Telicia." He grabbed my hips causing me to tense up.

"Renè, Caden is right here." I looked down at his hands.

"He's two Aaliyah he doesn't know anything."

"Let me at least put him to sleep." I relaxed a little. "Then I'll make you happy." I smiled.


Sorry I haven't updated in while it's but much but it's something... right?

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