2. New Friend

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(This is so short I'm sorry.)


I woke up at 7:30 am like I do every morning to get ready. When I was done I got dressed then went downstairs to eat. When I made down there Janet was up cooking for her son.

"Good morning." She said,

I just smiled because I lefted my notebook upstairs. I put my arms out asking if I could hold him and she gave him to me. Oh gosh, this child is heavy.

"Okay Teecee, Aaliyah is coming over to watch Caden. You guys can leave when ever just lock up the house please."

I nodded. "Are you hungry?"

I nodded yes.

She made french toast sticks for us then gave me a plate. "Thank you." I mouth.

I set him down the ran upstairs to get my notebook but I saw Rene on my bed. I just grabbed my notebook and walked away. He creeps me the hell out. I walked back downstairs to see her dancing with Caden, they're so cute.

"Oh gosh! You scared me!"

" I'm so sorry." I wrote down.

"No, it's okay."

There was a knock on the front door. "Sweetie that's liyah can you get it for me?"

I smiled as I walked to the door and opened it. "Hi TeeCee!"

I waved a little too hard I think. She just smiled and hugged me. "Hey Janet." She hugged her then picked up Caden.

"Hi big boy." He smiled and began to bounce in joy.

I ran back up to my room to get my shoes and see this dude laying in my bed. I am really officially creeped out now. I just got my shoes smiled and walked away like nothing happened.

That dude is weird yo.

When I got back downstairs breakfast was ready. Janet put the plates on the table as I said my grace then ate. When we were done I helped Janet was the dishes.

"Okay guy I'm leaving Rene should be leaving soon too so have fun please do not burn down my house we can't move today."

"Yes ma'am." Aaliyah said and I nodded in agreement.

She kissed our cheeks then left. "So you wanna go shop? Janet always leaves 500 hundred dollars for me."

"Sure I could use new clothes and I want new timbs." I wrote down.

"Okay cool." She called Janet's driver and we waited for him.

"So how old are you?"

"16." I wrote down.

"Cool I just turned 17 in January. So how did you meet Janet?"

"Well, she adopted me today."

"You're adopted? Wow, you're going to love Janet she's like the sweetest person in the world. She just has rules." She giggled. "No boys that's it."

"Welp I guess that's good sense I don't like boys."

"You don't boys....Oh. You're a...?" I nodded my head. "Oooh okay...well that's good to know!" She smiled. I gave her the side eye. The driver pulled up and we got in.

"Hi Aaliyah." The driver said as he put Caden in his car seat. "Who's this?" He smiled.

"Her name is TeeCee, TeeCee this is Nick, Janet's driver."

"It's nice too meet you TeeCee." He smiled as he stuck his hand out. I smiled back as I shook it. "She doesn't talk."

"Oooh okay." I got back in the car and drove off. The radio was on lowly and one of my favorite songs was on, At Your Best (You Are Love). I nodded my head.

"You like this song?" She asked. I smiled because I love that song I need to figure out who it's by. "Thank you I really appreciate that."

I gave her a confused look. "That's my song." I would have never thought. He pulled up to the mall and opened our doors. Aaliyah got Caden out of the car. "Let's get to it." The first store we went to was Forever 21 which I absolutely love. I got these super cute overalls and a few t-shirts and tank tops. We went to a few more stores then by the time we were done we were exhausted.

"Oh hell hide me please!" She hid behind me. I turned around to look at her. "That dude over there likes me but I don't want anything to do with him." I wanted to yell 'hey dude she's over here!' But obviously I can't. I don't know her like that and she's touching me. I hate when people touch me if your name is not Whitney Houston or Toni Braxton do not touch me.

It's weird too me and the worst part about it I can't tell them to get off of me. That's one thing I hate about being mute you can't go off on people and that sucks because I really be wanting to slap some hoes.


The first time I've updated this in like 15 years sorry it's so boring but still comment.

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