1.Life Changing

743 47 19

Telicia (tee-lee-ceeah)

"Bitch, get up and get ready!" Monica my foster mother said.

I rolled my eyes as I went to the bathroom to take a shower. Once I finished I put on a pair of ripped bleached high waisted skinny jeans, a black cop top that said 'MTB', and some black timbs.

I put my redish hair up in a neat bun then grabbed my notepad then walked downstairs.

"Somebody is coming to adopt your ugly ass." Someone knocked on the door. "That must be that bitch."

She answered the door and in walked JANET FREAKING JACKSON!

"Hey sweetie I'm Janet."

" I'm Telicia Anderson!!" I wrote down.

"You can't speak sweetie?"

I looked at my shoes and shook my head 'No'.

"Well we're gonna have to change that aren't we?"

I looked up and shook my head 'No'. I hate when people try to force me to talk, my father said don't say anything so I'm not

"Ma'am why are you adopting me?"

"I want to adopt you because I saw your file and I think you're such a beautiful young lady and you're going to do big things someday."

I rolled my eyes. I can't talk how the fuck am I going to do big things? You have to talk to do anything.

"Teecee go get your clothes packed while miss Jackson signs the papers." Monica smiled warmly.

Fake bitch.

I nodded then walked up to my room. I looked in the mirror, I'm what people call 'beautiful'. I don't think so though, I have purplish and tattoos . Don't ask why nor how.

I looked older then I am. Which is fine who do I have to impress?

Anyway, I gather all of my belongings out of my closet and dressers and folded them neatly in a huge suit case. I grabbed all of my old notebooks the walked downstairs.

I'm finally getting away from this lady.

When we got to her neighborhood I saw the most beautiful person in the world sitting on a step all alone.

I guess Janet saw me staring and said something. "Her name is Aaliyah you guys are about the same age."

I slightly nodded. "She'll be over tonight to watch my son Caden I have a few things to do at the studio."

I nodded again.

She stopped at this beautiful house.

"This is your house?" I wrote down.

"Yes ma'am it is."

That Aaliyah girl came to the house. "Hey Janet."

"Hey liyah this is Telicia."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you I'm Aaliyah." She stuck her hand out and I shook it.

"Nice to meet you too."

She looked at me weird but still smiled. "I'm mute" I wrote down.

"Oh okay."

Aaliyah helped me with my bag as we went in the house. There was this lady in the kitchen with this little boy on her side.

"Tina thank you so much for watching him."

"It's nothing Jan this is her?"


"Hi sweetie I'm Tina."

Hi sweetie I'm not a child.

" I'm Telicia but I prefer TeeCee."

"Well alright TeeCee."

A Mexican man came downstairs.

"Oh baby this is Telicia, Telicia this is my husband Rene."

I don't like how he looking at me.

"Hi Rene it's nice to me you."

"Same to you."

He took my bags upstairs and Janet began go show me around. This house is beautiful, I love it.


I know it's short but it's something.


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