Treat Me Like Somebody

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Hi, I'm Telicia Anderson but prefer for everyone to call me Teecee. I'm 16 and I live in a Foster home in Atlanta.

I'm mute which mean I can't talk. I haven't talked in 11 years.


My dad was braiding my hair when somebody barged in the house.

" Malcolm Anderson?" The person asked.


The person shot my father in his chest.

"Don't say an-" his his rolled in the back of his head.


End Of Flashback

He said don't say anything so I haven't. I don't know if I can speak. I've never heard my voice and it pisses me off sometimes.

Sometimes I think that's why I've been here for 11 years because I can't talk.

I just want somebody to treat me like somebody.


Yo! Yes or no?

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