6. Party

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Its been quiet all morning and I haven't seen Janet nor Renè yet. If feel kind of bad for Aaliyah but then again I don't because I told her to say something but she decided against it. So therefore it's no longer my problem.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. The phone began to ring and I didn't know what to do. The last time I answered a phone was when I was five. I grabbed it and quickly ran up to Janet room I knocked on then door but there was no answer. Thee phone stopped ringing but I knocked again. Still no answer. I finally decided to see if it was unlocked and it was so I peeked inside to see that no one was in there. Okay weird.

Maybe they went to the studio or something. I went back downstairs then about thirty minutes later there was I knock at the door. I grabbed my notebook before going to answer it.

"Hey, I called earlier is Janet not here?" The lady asked. I was taken aback by the person standing at the door because holy shit it's Toni Braxton. I started to do the same thing I did when Whitney came. "Helloooo?"

I snapped out of my gaze. "I'm sorry but Janet isn't here right now."

"Um okay that's fine I'll just stay here until she gets back. Who exactly are you?" She questioned as she stepped in the house. Okay then.

"I'm Teecee. I'm such a huge fan Ms. Braxton!!" I held my notebook up with a huge smile.

"Thank you but why are you writing everything down? Soar throat." I'm so used to this question it doesn't even faze me anymore.

I glared a little. "No, I'm mute which means I can't talk."

"Oh!" She smiled. "I'm so sorry I'm just not in the best of moods today." She sat down on the couch but then quickly hopped right back up. "Shit! I forgot the party decorations! Help me please?"

I nodded before walking outside with her. She gave me two huge bags of decorations then grabbed the rest and walked back in the house. I still in awe because I've met both of the women that I've looked up to for quite some time now in a matter of two weeks.

Once we were finished with putting the decorations up we noticed that Janet still hasn't come home yet. "I wonder where she is at." She laid down on the couch. "So Teecee, how do you like living here?"

"It's cool I guess. It is waaaaay better than the foster home I was living at before Janet adopted me but it has also been a little difficult." I handed the book to her.

"Really? How so?" She curiously asked. "Janet is very sweet."

"She surly is, but it's Aaliyah. I won't go in to much detail, but she's hurting."

"Aaliyah? Hurting? Girl, you're hilarious!" She laughed out loud. Just then the alarm went off signaling that someone was coming in the house.

"Teecee! I'm home!" Janet yelled as she walked in the living room with Rene trailing not far behind her. "Tone what are you doing? You weren't supposed to be here until late." She said as she hugged her.

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