Chapter 1 - Beginnings

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"...that was indeed an... adventure. I wish we'd have more of those these days, but it's quite hard to find planets that aren't ripped to shreds nowadays, isn't it?" The person laughed.

"Right... I suppose it is. I mean, I've seen it during my travels - the ending is near... so it makes sense there's no more planets."

"What do you mean?"

"The end of this universe."

The other person was startled, her dress rustling as she recoiled backwards in shock. "The.. end?" She paused, trying to process what the time traveler had told her. "You- You're joking, it can't end this soon!" The other person offered no consolation.

"I'm.. afraid I'm not joking." She adjusted her goggles. "It's ending.. in a couple years. And... I don't think I'm going to make it there."

"Can't I give you any of my immortality? Is it really impossible?" The immortal girl seemed hopeless as she grabbed the other's hands. "Come on, there must be a way!" The other couldn't bear to look her in the eyes, despite them now holding hands.

"I'll... see if I can do something... in the past.. to make that happen. I'll- I'll go talk to all the researchers in the universe if it must be that way!" The time traveler was afraid she had promised too much.

"I hope you succeed." The immortal smiled sadly at her. "And if you can't... then, then just travel back! I'll... I'll wait.. for however long it takes." Her eyes were almost tearing up. The time traveler wasn't sure what to say.

"Come on, go! You need to hurry!" She encouraged.

"I suppose I should say... we'll meet again today." She turned her clock backwards for a dragging amount of time. It seemed like an eternity... until she finally found herself around the orbit of Earth.

--- Millions of years in the past ---

Finally, my wait ended. The year was 2748. I was floating somewhere, which wasn't really a "somewhere" but rather "the place I lived in before I angrily time traveled millions of years into the future." In other words.. home. With nostalgia in my veins, I tried to figure out where exactly in the 5 rings I was. It seemed like the Central Ring. Which means I had to drift for a while before reaching the place I was supposed to be in. Ugh.

After what felt like a second course of the wait I had to stand while traveling millions of years, I finally reached my destination. Research Center 1477. My old home, workplace and center of my life... until a certain point. But now I'm back. I want to be able to say it looks the same, but something's... off.

I waltz in, knowing that surely someone will recognize the previous co-owner of this place, expecting a casual welcome. Instead, I am met only with the standard "Hello, welcome to Research Center 1477! How may we help you?" by the clerk. I look around for a moment. Where is all of her stuff?

"Uhh, I'm looking for Eterna Talon." The clerk stared at me like I had just set off a bomb in front of her. Was that really such a strange question?

"What?" she exclaimed. "Ms. Talon hasn't worked here for five years. Why... How do you not know that, ma'am?" Huh? I figure that's the reason behind all her stuff having gone missing. 

"Ah. Sorry, I... haven't heard. Where is she currently?" Damn. 

"Looking for someone. Nobody knows where she is," the clerk answered. "Who even are you?"

"Jaiden Hawks. Previous co-owner of this establishment, alongside Eterna." This time the clerk definitely stared at me like I set off a bomb, but quickly regained her composure.

"You're wh--- Apologies, Ms. Hawks. So, are you aware that the person Ms. Talon is looking for... is you?" WHAT?!

Alright, that's it. I don't know who I want to shoot more right now; this clerk, or Eterna. 

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