information chapter thing!

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hi! it's your poor, overworked writer here! (jk, i'm fine and not overworked :D)

i won't be able to write for a week after tomorrow (fri, 6.10.23), due to traveling to another country for school. mobile writing sucks (+ i'm not even sure if you can do it anymore, i used to be able to but last time i tried i couldn't) so that's ruled out.

i really hope you've enjoyed thus far! i'm going to try to cram some chapters tomorrow, to primarily a) be published on friday, and secondarily b) be published later during the week automatically. 

just so you know, after the next week, this story will most likely be done. i'll probably end up with about 30 chapters, if not exactly, which means i have ~ 3 chapters left. it's been a ride! as i've stated multiple times already, i'm still baffled at how this made it to a whole 27 chapters, despite it starting off as a "quick writing exercise". 

well, i don't have much else to say here, have a nice day/night!

- ilma, yours truly :D


in case you're reading this, i have returned!

- again, yours truly <3

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