Chapter 22 - The Radio

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Most of these chapters begin with me waking up. This one isn't any different. I won't go into much detail, you know the drill already. 

There's one thing that's missing, however. Eterna and Karmella aren't yelling. I can hear their voices, they're talking, but neither of them are yelling. A rare occasion.

I walk downstairs, get something to eat, turn on the radio. "Another politician, Charuse Less, has been murdered: Alice Hawks under suspicion of her murder." The news anchor changes the topic. "On another topic, under mysterious circumstances, Alice Hawks has been released of all suspicion for the murder of politician and husband of Charuse Less, Icoodntcare Less." Those are weird names. "Alice Hawks has refused to comment on any of this. The following conversation is all we got out of her:"

Another news anchor's voice was heard. "I think it's suspicious how you're constantly suspected of murdering politicians, and then suddenly relieved of all suspicion. Care to comment on this?"

"No." I could tell you: she's so well-received in the government that she can kill someone and beg them not to put her on trial. Maybe not so much "beg", but rather "threaten". She's not one to beg. And they'll let her get away, just like that. Perhaps there's money involved - she is quite rich - or perhaps something else - killing, drugs, all that stuff. I wouldn't put anything past her.

Her business operates perfectly. She's a goldsmith - legally anyways - but what she really runs is basically the entire criminal underworld of the Terran Empire. She gets orders, she calls someone to execute them from her network - be it theft, murder, arson (though it's rare nowadays, considering almost everything is fireproof.) forgery, fraud, you name it - and reaps in the profits. 

If one of her minions fails a task by either the customer being unsatisfied, refusing an order or getting caught, she either executes them or anonymously reports them to the police, like in Cynthia Teras' case. It's a cruel business - making one mistake can cost you your life, functionally or literally.

Her motive is unknown even to me - despite having heard her plans all day, every day while I was a child. I suppose she thought I was just a child, unable to tattle to the Jurisdiction Affairs as they wouldn't believe me no matter what I said. I guess she thinks I'm too dangerous now that I'm an adult. Maybe that's why Ignus is dead. As a threat. 

I won't rule out violence as an option where it's needed - some idiots really deserve it - but the way she plays with people's lives like they were toys? It makes me want to stab her with the rustiest knife I can find. It's exactly the type of situation where I condone violence.

"So, why weren't you two yelling?" It's been a week since me and Eterna split up. It's been quiet. I know they're both drawing closer to each other, so to speak, but nothing groundbreaking has happened yet... I think. 

"Uh, we were having a civil conversation." Karmella was the first to answer - rather quickly. "You know, like people do."

"Ha, yeah right." I decided to move on from the topic. "So, anything more interesting happen than you guys actually getting along for once?" We exchanged quick not-much's, and each went our own ways.

My own way was mainly finding more info on immortality, which turned more into reminiscing and contemplating life choices - as it usually does. This time, I'm beginning to regret not having a formal education - Eterna did, and she basically taught me everything I know, besides Ignus teaching me how NOT to cook among other things. I guess I could always travel back and get one, but... private school districts are rare, and public ones are horrid. The students don't care, the teachers don't care, nobody cares and everybody suffers. I've heard it was quite similar when the Earth was still habitable. It's silly how we can relate to things so far gone.

There's always the option of going to school now, but it feels like a waste of time...

Right. Time. The one thing I, of all people, should be least concerned about. I have all the time in the world! The unmovable obstacle to others means basically nothing to me, being able to bend it to my own uses. Theoretically, anyways. Even the laws of physics have to bow down to the even more unmovable human mind, and the trauma it holds.

I guess trauma isn't the issue here, just laziness, but I'm not exactly willing to go back to that time regardless of trauma. I was living with Eterna's family - and yes, they were nice, but I still felt... out of place. 

They're a normal, regular family with a normal, regular budget for things. Alice was first of all from a rich family, and second of all the crime business means a lot of money, so for example getting used to Kurehi with cheaper presents was a bit strange. Of course, Kurehi is about giving gifts no matter their worth, and I wasn't spoiled at all, but it was still strange to see them so happy when Alice would've thrown the same gifts straight to the acid bin. I guess it felt kind of homelier that way... but I still felt out of place.

Reminiscing without any real point made me realize Kurehi was drawing near. I should've realized it sooner, with the slogan "For Giving Not Getting" appearing everywhere, but the realization hit me like a bulldozer - slowly yet suddenly. I was always so stressed near the time, Alice was always so stressed and whenever Alice is stressed, I was stressed. It made me hate the celebration, more specifically the "firework show" recorded during the Habitable Era on Earth... Alice hated the sound and that usually meant so did I.

"Jaiden? Food is ready!" Somehow... Somehow I feel that maybe, just maybe it'll be alright this time. Maybe.


AN: exactly 1000 words. nice (except now it's more but the chapter itself is 1000 words exactly :D)

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