Chapter 2 - Eterna Talon

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Space Research Checkpoint 1477 in 2730, back when they were still named that. The place where me and Eterna last met after the unfortunate demise of the patient.

"Hello, welcome to Space Research Checkpoint 1477," a familiar voice greeted. "How can I-I.." Eterna Talon. "Oh. It's.. you."

"Hello... Eterna." She seemed out of it. Gee, I wonder why.

"How- How exactly are you here?!" she stammered. "You're dead! You died.. Ms. Hawks!" Hearing her call me by an honorary and my surname again instead of just 'Jay' hurt on multiple different levels.

"I.. didn't. Was it ever confirmed?" She was quiet for a moment, then two.

"No. It wasn't... and," - she chuckled almost silently - "I was foolish to think you would've died from that, Ms. Hawks." That still stung exactly like the first time.

"I figure you're angry." I could tell that struck a nerve.

"Of course I'm angry! You left me, for two fucking years, to cover up that entire incident on my own! Why, do you think I'd be grateful? Grateful for you walking off and leaving me with the keys in my hands? What were you even thinking? In fact, what were you thinking when you asked if I was angry?" Her gaze softened, and a tear fell. I felt bad for her, but she continued. "I-I honestly wish I had never met you, Ms. Hawks." That stung more than anything Eterna had said so far. But I didn't come here to cry.

"Look, alright, I did, but I didn't come here just to hear you wish that I didn't exist. I'm sure even someone with as little empathy as you can understand that it's not exactly... delightful." I'm pretty sure calling her unempathetic was too far, but it was too late now. This was verified when she cut in.

"H-How dare you call me-"

"Besides, that case was a heap of misunderstandings on all sides. But let's not talk about that now." I sighed deeply, even though I had nothing to lose as I had already lost everything I ever thought I had with Eterna.. "Do you know anyone who knows how to transfer powers to someone else.. without those powers?" She scoffed.

"So now, after leaving a scene of a violent..." She paused, as if looking for the correct word. "...accident, you want to have more? Is that it? Do you want to achieve immortality now, so you can torment others endlessly until the day they die?" I didn't want to deal with this now, but traveling a million years into the future again is not exactly going to solve things.

"How did you know I was after immortality?" She chuckled at me, not taking me seriously.

"Don't joke when someone is clearly in emotional distress," She held a long pause, as if she was restricting herself somehow. "...Ms. Hawks."

"Eterna, I am most certainly not joking. I am after immortality. You guessed correctly." She was baffled. "But you've done nothing but dodge my question with personal insults towards me." I paused. Why am I asking this of her in particular? The entire fleet of space stations from 1405 to 1505 is filled to the brim with researchers. "So tell me: do you know anyone?"

"I do not!" Eterna refused to keep eye contact with me.

"Tell that to me again while looking me in the eyes." She did.

"I do not know anyone who could help you with... whatever selfish goals you want to pursue, Jay!" She paused in shock and put her hand over her mouth, but soon reclaimed her composed self. "How... unprofessional of me."

"We got distracted. Tell me again." She began to get annoyed. "Or, I'll assume you're lying."

"I do not know anyone who knows how to transfer powers." Ha! I immediately picked up on something. Her hand went straight to her neck - which told me something.

"Your hand is rubbing the back of your neck. Did you notice?" She pulled it right out.

"No, I didn't."

"Do you recall what that means?" She was visibly annoyed. "It means you're lying. I still remember that habit of yours."

"Oh, shut up!" she snapped. "Fine, I know a person."


"Ignus Engarde. He conducts at Space Research Checkpoint 1453, which so very dreadfully is currently under repairs," she said with a devilish smile playing on her lips. "I'm so extremely sorry."

"You seem.. surprisingly resentful for something that happened two years ago already, and is now alright." She was about to explode. "I'm not saying the end justifies the means or anything remotely close to that, but rather that it is an issue that has passed." She was on the very verge of snapping, but somehow managed to calm herself.

"We.. should talk, then," she cautiously offered. I nodded in agreement.


"We.. were both wrong." Eterna swallowed audibly.

"Yes... me, for leaving you without any consolation... even if the "murder" you thought you committed was a mere accident, and you, for condemning me so quickly," I admitted. "So, do you understand why now?"

"Yeah... I figure I do. So, should we... try to get back together.. Jay..?" I began panicking. *She* was still waiting... would it really be fair? She's stuck waiting for me, thousands of millenia in the future, while I'm dating my ex again. Eterna was waiting for an answer.


AN: should i rewrite this chapter? i mean, i don't like it, but i don't see how i could make it better??? if that makes sense lol

AN 2: did that lol

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