Chapter 9 - Untitled Entry 312

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Entry 312            Date: 2.1.2728

Eterna just called me. She seemed worried. Apparently, a patient died and Jaiden is dead. I asked her to elaborate.

She asked the patient to travel back in time. The next thing she saw was a flash of light - she thinks it might've been the fourth dimension flashing before her eyes - and the corpse of the patient. She tried to blame it on Jaiden for not helping with the time traveling, but Jaiden rightfully fought back. She realized this, but she was too far gone. They argued for maybe an hour...

Then Eterna stormed off into her own room. Jaiden was really angry at that point and probably not thinking straight, so she traveled a lot into the future. Eterna said she thinks it was two million years. She only asked the patient to travel a hundred, and the patient died, so... She thinks Jaiden basically committed suicide right in front of her. I think it's a reasonable conclusion that Jaiden is dead.

Jaiden... was a good person. A person I'd met only a couple times, yes, but.. a good person. It's a shame she's dead. Then again, maybe she isn't. Maybe she's alive and well, two million years in the future. Eterna plans to find her once all her research is done. I hope she finds her... or at least finds her.. remains. 

Now that I think about it, Eterna didn't mention seeing a flash of light right in front of her, like the first victim of this incident. Maybe Jaiden is alive, just... very far in the future. I hope she travels back someday.

Eterna did also ask me for help in covering up the incident. I figure I owe her that, from the many times she's let me copy her notes from her research.

My eyes are getting worse. The flames have started to really grow, but I don't have enough money to go get help. I figure I just have to invent the eyedrops they hand out for this again. It shouldn't be hard once I get my hands on serpent tears, and I'm pretty sure Eterna has some, but she's grieving and I really don't want to push her.

Alice is planning something. I know she is. She's been really quiet lately - not much has happened. I know she is plotting something. Word probably got around that Jaiden is dead. It must've sucked for her when she was alive, being the daughter of probably the most well known criminal who still walks free. Which is the one of the reasons why I don't refer to Alice as Mrs. Hawks. To separate her from Jaiden. The other reason is that she doesn't deserve that honor.

Anyways, I need to keep developing the AI version of me. For the time when Alice finds out about my research on her, and finally decides to drive her dear heirloom knife into my stomach... and end me. 

- Ignus

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