Chapter 15 - Files

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'Access granted'

It took a while, but Karmella's... machine thing finally worked. It was getting a little late. "Well, I'll leave you to your little snooping session." It's not snooping!.. I guess it kind of is. She left.

To my surprise, the folder containing the locked files was overflowing with content. "He sure did document everything, huh?" Although it seemed like everything was intact, i quickly noticed he had deleted some entries. Either that, or she knew the password.

I read the first locked entry.

"Untitled Entry 534

Entry 534 Date: 18.1.2730

Eterna called me. 

She said she's back. That she's sorry for leaving without even asking me. I wasn't even worried about that. I was worried she'd be gone forever, unable to find Jaiden. I updated her on everything that has happened - Alice's scheming, or rather the little I've found out about her scheming, just general research stuff.

She asked about the immortality project. I... forgot about it. I didn't tell her, for some reason. I just had the feeling that I shouldn't. Perhaps it was just a random impulse of compulsive lying, but there's not much I ca ndo to change that, is there? I'm not a time traveler.

More importantly, I asked if she found Jaiden. 

...she's still missing. She tried her hardest, but realized it was of no use. I guess that's why she came back. 

Although I do miss Jaiden, in the end, I'm just glad she's back.

- Ignus"

After reading, I had to wait for a couple seconds just to process. The clerk in the previous timeline did tell me Eterna was looking for me... however, she came back? I mean, of course she did, I wouldn't have encountered her if not...

That's when it hit me. She left twice in the original timeline.

I scrolled some more. I found not much more about Eterna - the files just consisted of research on both cartography and Alice, though it seems that even after all his research, he still had no idea what Alice was going to do next, but to be fair, probably nobody except her government lapdogs does, and some other entries. 

At this point, I got distracted - Eterna was being loud again. I guess that means Karmella was back from her party... Apparently the Energy Center she was working at was holding an event for old time's sake. I decided to find a way to block the vent. I mean, I was not going to listen to the two arguing for the whole night... day..? How late is it anyways...

"Where's the screwdriver, and when I find it, how do I get this thing off..?" I realized, after 2 minutes, that it was in my hand. I had reflexively grabbed it from my table when I realized that I needed to block the vent.

"Okay-" click. First screw gone."-now-" click. "-to remove-" click. -"this stupid little thing-" The last click sounded, but I slipped. The metal drain cover fell towards my face with it's sharp edge facing me, and I could almost feel the pain before it hit me. I guess that was it for me. Good night, world..!

But the pain never arrived. 

...Instead, came silence, broken by "You good?" I open my eyes. The drain cover was floating about an inch from my face. I looked over to my doorway. Eterna? "I heard metal noises and thought to come check on you. I know you suck at crafts." ..true, but you didn't have to say that!

"Yeah... thanks." I got up, and Eterna moved the plate out of the way. "What were you arguing about?"

"Oh. Uhh, the general stuff? Why- Why do you care?"  She seemed to be hiding something. Come on, we're both too tired for this!

"I'm technically your landlord."

"Fair, but what were you doing?"

"Trying to shove a pillow into the vent so I didn't have to listen to you."


"Anyways, now that I got the vent off, I guess I'll just shove the pillow in there." I moved the chair back to where it was. "Good night. Stop arguing."

"Good night," she grumbled back, seemingly annoyed.

I shoved the pillow into the vent, and went back to reading.

"Entry 572, Date: 5.4.2730

Eterna called today. Now that the renovations are in full swing, I told her I can't answer calls that much. I know she understood this. Because of that, I sensed it was an important call. I guessed correctly - it was a very important call.

Jaiden came back. I always knew she would.

Eterna sounded so happy... happier than she had been for a long time. I know she was, but... something was off. At first, I was suspicious about her just forgiving suddenly, but then she told me they had a good ol' long talk about it. I thought it was just that, but something still felt off.

Jaiden was already asleep when she called me. I assumed she was right next to Eterna... that's when Eterna told me she was alone. She's sure something changed in the future. I'm sure she thinks she's still just guilty about the argument... I guess we'll see as time goes on.

- Ignus"

I suppose it was interesting, seeing both of their predictions on why I changed... and also seeing Eterna being right. I really hope she didn't predict anything any further... otherwise she's a damn good actor and hiding her feelings very well, and I should be afraid.

I realized it was 23:02. I guess I had stayed up far too long studying the newly unlocked entries. I found the password and jotted it down for further reference. What kind of password is cyuggywiaood...? I guess he just keyspammed that one too.

I took the pillow out of the vent. It worked as a pretty good noise block - I had thought the two stopped arguing, and there they were, still yelling each other's heads off. I didn't want to listen to that, so I put the pillow back and scrambled to find something else to sleep on. 

I eventually just settled on sleeping without a blanket, and instead using it as a pillow... if only those two wouldn't argue so damn much.


AN: i hope you guys are enjoying the story thus far! i've officially reached the halfway point - or at least nearing it, i don't plan on making this last past 30 chapters but we'll find out once i finally get to a point where the entire story is laid out in front of me and all i have to do is write it:D also fun fact: the realization that eterna left twice is actually kind of a reference to a previous plot hole/paradox in the story :D

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