Chapter 10 - Space Research Center 1453

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Life basically just went on after the revelation that my mother killed my mentor in research. It wasn't very pleasant, but it's getting better. Eterna's a great chef and gives me lessons - I'm decent at cooking now. Ignus still sucks, but not much can change that - not even Eterna. 

The Research Center is looking a lot better now. The starmaps are still there, but they're nicely on the walls. The bloody, burned rug was changed - it made me nearly throw up each time I saw it. I mean hell, that was pretty much the last thing I saw before Ignus' dead body. Eterna has been getting better at telekinesis again. She uses it a lot more here.

The only problem is that I have to sleep on the couch. I sacrificed my bedroom for Eterna. She realized I did not want to sleep in the same bed as her. I figure we're a couple, but I... don't want to be with her. Lucy is still waiting for me, alone, which feels unfair... but I'm trying to avoid bringing it up with Eterna for now. It sounds like it would lead to a very nasty argument...

Time travel hasn't been of much use. I mean, Eterna is getting better at telekinesis because she uses it way more - the Center is still a MESS, despite her efforts -  and I'm getting worse. It's like a seesaw.

But, one day, I remembered my mission here. The reason why I came back to the past.

"Ignus, did 'you' have any entries about immortality?" I asked the AI. "I mean.. He did say something like that once."

"Let me check." I was prepared to wait, but he just continued immediately. "Yeah, he had a couple entries." Yes!

"Uhh.. could you read them? I mean, I'm pretty much just sitting here doing a whole bunch of nothing, so..." Finally, I'm making actual progress.

"Yeah, sure. There's two entries. In order?" 

"In order." I confirmed. What had he written?

"Archived Entry 429"

"Entry 429, Date 4.3.2729

I began research for a way to transfer powers from one person to another without said powers. I think I'll start with telekinesis. Eterna would probably be happy to help me. She's been busy with her own research - mainly into time travel, probably to find Jaiden, alive or dead - but I know she'll help me. This would certainly help, as her powers are pretty weak at this point in time. 

After telekinesis, I think I'll move to immortality. It might be more complex, but I'd like to at least try. It's probably going to be a bit difficult, considering that in science, immortality has been found to resemble a curse rather than an ability like telekinesis, but I'll make it work if it's the last thing I do.

-Ignus" He sounded so confident... What happened? 

"Archived Entry 430"

"Entry 430, Date 6.3.2729

I tried reaching out to Eterna. She didn't answer. I wonder where she has gone? I guess she just wasn't home. 

I figure this brings my research into telekinesis transfer, much less immortality. Where would I even get an immortal? They usually discover their abilities (or curse) very late - when they outlive their childhood friends, their little siblings, all while they face nearly no signs of aging after the age of around 18 to 24. Not even mental signs... It must be horrible, cursed to stay until the end of time. It.. sounds just like regular words, but it is an indescribable amount of time. It's horrifying.

The earliest discovery of immortality was of a person called Lucy Stormwind, 5 years ago.. Her curse was discovered when she was 40. That means she's 45 currently. But where even is she? I'm not about to go and stick wanted posters everywhere.. I don't even know what she looks like.

The person who I should be putting those up for is Eterna right now... Where are you? I have a feeling she wasn't just at the grocery store. I... I think she left for good. But where?

- Ignus"  That must've been when she disappeared... to find me.

"What's the next one? Could you read that as well?"


Archived Entry 431

Entry 431, Date 6.3.2729

Eterna's gone. Her research center is empty. There isn't even a clerk inside.

The only thing I found that wasn't just there because the government automatically supplies it to the centers was a note.

"Hello, Ignus.

At least I assume it's you. If anyone else finds this before Ignus, please ignore this note and get out. You were probably worried about me. I heard that you called. My receptive device was too deep in moving boxes that I didn't bother to dig it out.

Yes, I moved. I moved to find Jaiden, dead or alive, because I just want to know what happened to her. Maybe I'm in too deep, maybe I should just accept that she's gone. But I'm not going to stop until I find an answer. If you're wondering where I'm going, I'm not going to sugar-coat it - I'm not going to tell you. You'd find me and talk me out of it. Hell, maybe you'll find me despite me not telling you (please, don't.). But I... don't want to waste your time. I'm dead set on this.

Consider this the last time you spoke to me. Don't tell the authorities... please. I don't want 20 J.A. officers watching my every move - it's a bit of a hassle.

If you need research notes, take them. They should be in my room. I left them there for you... a final gift.

- Eterna Hawks, newly retired owner of Research Center 1477"

I'm.. devastated. I'll respect her wishes and not try to find her, but is this really what she wanted..? She should've just come and talked to me.. I've been researching abilities for far longer than she has - even if only on the side. I know that Jaiden most likely isn't dead, because of the absence of the light and her body. Besides, I know that Jaiden's powers are exceptionally strong. While two million years is no small feat for any traveler to go through, Jaiden would no doubt survive it.

Still... can I blame her? She lost the closest person she had. Would anyone truly blame her?

- Ignus

Do you want the next entry?" Ignus asked.


I was left speechless. To think Eterna's desire to find me was really that strong... strong enough to defy her mentor. I noticed her dashing out of the living room to go to her own quarters... I have no doubt why.

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