Met again in a different life

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Fourth story!(this is gonna be a series) This is inspired by all those creepy yt videos I watch at night.



God, I could hear that voice from a mile away..."Mira, what is it now..?" I said in a tired tone. It was such a long day, another exorcism is the last thing on my list. "We're getting a call from the Rin family downtown. A ghost is haunting their guest bedroom." 'GOD FUCKING DAMMIT WHY DID I APPLY TO THIS JOB?!' I internally screamed. "Can we do it tommorow?" Mira stared at me while pulling out her phone. "AKIRA-SAN!" A familliar voice yelled from the phone. 'Dammit! It's the wife! Not her again!!' I shot a deathstare at Mira who just stuck out her tounge. "Yes, miss Rin," I said, maintaining my "soft" voice. I'm so fed up. "GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW! AYA IS CRYING BECAUSE OF THAT GHOST!" I pulled the phone away to avoid the screaming, but it barely worked. "R-right away ma'am.." I laughed. She then hung up. I threw the phone at Mira gently. "Fuck you." I mumbled. "Keke!" She giggled.


When we arrived, Miss Rin immediately got to the point and pointed to the guest bedroom. I relluctanly nodded, letting out a heavy sigh. Mira went to go explore and help cleanse the place and help calm down Aya, the baby. Since it was such a big house, I had to go through multiple hallways before arriving at the guest bedroom. Before I opened the door, I heard howling. That made me even more concerned. I slowly opened the door, only peaking. The gap was about 6 inches so I could see a bit well. My eyes widened as I took in the ghost's features. He had no clothes except for the linnen cloth he had around his body. That single-handedley made me blush harder than my brain could work on a Monday. For some reason, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. His complex was otherworldy. He was just beautiful.. He laid down on the bed in a seductive-like position while stroking his long, wavy hair. 'WHY THE FUCK IS HE SO HOT? I'VE SEEN A VARIETY OF DEMONS AND GHOSTS IN MY LIFETIME, BUT THEY COULD NOT COMPARE TO THE BEAUTY THIS MAN HAS! IS HE EVEN A GHOST? MAYBE A COSPLAYER?'

"I'm a ghost, silly boy."

Suddenly, a gust of strong wind whipped my back and pulled me to him. Right before I fell to the ground, he caught me and I was met with his lifeless eyes. My reflexes were that of an average human, so I was slow to react. I pulled out my cross. "IN THE-" But the slender ghost was fast. He took the cross along with my holy water and threw it out the window. "Silly boy," the ghost whispered into my ear, sliding his fingers into my shirt. The asexual in me was desperately trying to make him let go, but then it hit me- 'how can he touch me? And how can I touch him?' Just like he was able to read my mind, he said, "wondering how I can touch you and vice versa?" My eyes widened. I tugged at his arm and the body language kicked in. "Simple. I am a half ghost. My name is Yui Nano. I have been awaiting you, Akira Arataki." My jaw dropped open. "Hah..How.." I stuttered. Yui smiled gently. "Do you not remember?" He frowned. I shook my head slowly. 'What does he mean..?' Having read my mind again, Yui's frown turned into gritted teeth. "Hajime Enna."


"Hajime.. Enna..." I whispered. "Ring a bell?" He raised an eyebrow. I slightly nodded. "Where... When.."


A slam on the door behind me pushed me back. "Mira..?" I asked. "What.." Yui had disappeared.. I looked left and right and saw no sign of him. Mira looked worriedly at me. "I heard glass breaking. Are you okay?" She said, looking me up and down to see if I got hurt anywhere. I shook my head. "Good.." She said with a sigh of relief. "You know how it is.. My hearing is ass.. This is entirely my fault, I didn't hear sooner, and..!" Not only was her hearing dogshit, she was the overthinker type too! Having been my partner in crime for 4 years, I knew exactly how to cheer her up! I let out a sigh for anticipation. "Boba after this?" I smiled soflty. Her face immediatley lit up. "YEAHHH!!!" She threw her arms up in the air like a baby getting their first toy.

After a hard day and barely even getting paid 500 yen (which was my salary for every exorcism but Miss Rin said the exorcism took too long and so she told my boss so they gave me like 420 yen), we called it a day and walked to our local Boba shop. But there was this question crossing my mind everytime.

'Who is Hajime Enna?'


(and yes their boss is non-binary yay yay ;)

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