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"He hasn't talked to me for like, 3 hours! Everytime we get into an arguement, he always comes back and apologizes in only the span of like- 10 minutes! So then why isn't he coming back..!" Mika nodded. "You know, he came venting to us 2 just a few minutes go about the same thing." I blinked, then turned to Toya. "Agreed." I then turned back to Mika. "Where is he?!" Mika flinched a little. "Well, that was unexpected," she said. "He went to go impress you." I blinked once more. "Be specific." All she did was shrug. "Maybe he went to cell 56." My eyes widened. "Dammit!" I started running. "Thank god you used to be a psychic, Mika!" I said finally. Mika nodded, before turning back to Toya. Toya looked at her. "Well this is bad."

"YUI!" I yelled. I followed the trails of screaming by other people. Before I knew it, I was already in the sight of, not Yui, but a monster. My Hydreangea, my sweet, sweet Hydreangea, has turned into something unregognizable. And it was coming for me. "Hajime! Watch ou-" The words were too late. I was bitten by the person I had loved most. Yui tore apart bits of my flesh, before slashing my stomach. Cut by cut, blood was spewing out of me. I was on the edge of death. But I knew I had to say something. Something that could bring my Hydreangea back to his senses! I knew just the thing. My Hydreangea always loved it when I caressed his cheek. So I did. "I still love you, Yui Nano." His eyes widened. Maybe he came back to his senses. Let's hope...


Were the lasts words I heard. Not even an "I love you" back. But, it's alright. We'll meet again. In a different life.

PRESENT (Akira pov)

"Hydreangea..?" Those words were enough to make Yui burst into tears. "It's been so long since I have heard that name.." He cried. Soon, I started crying tears of my own. "Oh, Hydreangea. I never knew all this time.." Yui pulled back. "It's alright. Now you do." Right then and there, he pulled me into a kiss. A sweet, nostalgic one. Oh, how I missed times like these. Especially my Hydreangea. I was so happy to reunite with him..



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