Back together

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(FINAL CHAPTER! dw ill make an extra chapter abt character explanation!)

"Toya, shut the fuck up!" We turned to the sudden interruption. I immediatley pulled back in embaressment. "N-nice to see you again, Toya. Mika." I muttered. "And what about us?" Okuro and Ren emerged from the shadows. "Shit its the snake.." I whispered. But the snake always had good hearing. "Oh, fuck you!" Ren shouted. "Ahha!" Toya cracked up.

"Akira! Sorry, I'm late, I got kinda lost-"

Mira was stopped in her tracks. All eyea turned to her. "Mira! Stop running so fast-" Noir also balked. Soon, everyone looked at both of them with surprised Pikachu faces. "WHAT THE FU-"

"Oh...." Mira said. "That's basically it." Yui said. "And Noir," Yui turned to them. "Can you stop looking at me like that..?" "No...." Mira cracked. "Pfft...! Boss, lighten up! Your bro is right here, no need to be so murderous!" I spoke up, "true. Brother, please don't be mad at Hydreangea." I smiled. Yui gripped my hand harder at hearing the word "Hydreangea." Suddenly, there was a loud clap. "Let's go eat out." Said Okuro. "But ya'll are ghosts?" Mira said in confusion. Noir groaned. "HALF GHOSTS, REMEMBER?" Mira let out a big "oohh." "True." Toya spoke. "We can maintain a human-like form including skin tone, colored hair, and colored eyes as well. And we can also perform physical touch. As well as digestio-" "Shut the fuck up Mr. Know-it-all." Mika interrupted. Toya grit his teeth in agression. "Fucking bitch." "Say that again I dare you." I sighed. "We are all in the middle of the forest. There are campers here, y'know? Let's take this to the dinner table." Yui rapidly nodded. "Listen to my Hibiscus!" He proudly said. It made me quite giggle a bit. "Enough flattery. That's ny brother your hitting on." Noir shot a stone cold stare at Yui. "I'll pay." Mira gasped. "Woah! Boss thats hella generous of you!" "Enough." Ren said. "Let's go." Mira nodded. "Let's go!"


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