Past to Present

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"My dead older brother.." Noir shuddered. I looked at Mira. Mira looked at me. "He died 10 years ago. His death was the reason why I forged Eveli. I wanted to avenge him, and kill the ghost who killed him." I immediatley knew who the ghost was. "Yui Nano?" They nodded. "They were workers in an asylum. Yui, the one treating the insane, became insane and killed my brother. His last words were, "I still love you, Yui Nano." When Noir finished talking Mira let out a few tears. And, with her ability to make something sad seem a bit happier, she said, "that's more depressing than any romance soap opera I have ever watched in my life." Noir let out a breathy laugh. "Hm, it is sad. I haven't quite recovered from his death." Mira nodded. "I can tell." I nudged at Mira. "K. That's my bad." I took this time to speak myself. "How do you track down a ghost?" Noir slightly lifted their head in surprise to the question. "You have to look where the ghost was last seen. Then, you have to sprinkle garlic on the floor. That will reveal footprints." Mira tilted her head. "But don't ghosts levitate?" "Well, in this case, Yui is a half-ghost so he has feet." "Ohhhhh.." Noir let out a loud groan. "We set off tomorrow at 12 PM. Alright?" We both nodded. "Good. Now get out."

NEXT DAY @ 12: 04 PM

"Woohoo!" Mira cheered. "Can't wait to go ghost hunting!" "How can you be so excited..?" I asked. "I have no idea!" She smiled brightly. Oh, how I envy her carelessness.. "Oh yeah, by the way," I looked at Mira. "Theres this new book at Ruri-Puri bookstore! It's called "Another life." It's BL too! Let's read it together once we're done with this." "Seriously, I envy the way you can just change topic like that-"


I stopped in my tracks. 'Another life..?' My head started spinning. 'Another life.. Another life...'


Mira rushed to my aid. "You good?!" I just kept on muttering the words, 'Another life.' "ARE YOU ON STEROIDS OR SOME SHIT? WAKE THE FUCK UP O.M.G!!!" Mira started violently shaking me. "WAKE UPP!!" She repeated. But I just couldn't. It's like a piece of my brain had been chopped off. My memory isn't as good as Noir's, so it was very feint. All I could decipher was that I loved someone. But who were they?

'Aww, you flatter me, Hibiscus..♡'


"Hibiscus..?" I whispered. "This bitch IS ON STEROIDS! DAMMIT, WAIT HERE! I'M GONNA GET NOIR!" Right as Mira was about to leave, a shadowy figure emerged from the shadows.

"Hello, Hibiscus."


I'm not afraid of you! ✡Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant