Hajime Enna

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I gulped. Here comes the shouting..! "YOUR TELLING ME THAT A HALF-GHOST TRIED SEDUCING YOU AND NOW YOU THINK HE'S HAUNTING YOU?" I nodded slowly. 'Why did I tell them of all people..' I slowly started regretting my choices. "I totally agree with you, boss." Mira said in a nervous tone. She immediatley started slumping down when they stood up. "Boss.." I muttered in anticipation. "I have been working at Eveli for 10 years. Never have I ever heard a case as DUMB AS FUCK AS THIS ONE?!" They yelled. And loudly too. The wine glass started shaking. "But your Noir! Head of the Eveli council! Why can't you send the higher ups?" I stood up, meeting them in the eyes. "Uh- YEAH! Agreed!" I flung my head to the right staring into Mira. The body language kicked in and she sat right down. "Why are you even so mad-"


They blurted. I stepped back and Mira spit out her wine. Noir sighed, and sat back down. "Exorcist's with 20 years of expierience are the only ones capable of killing a half ghost," They explained. "Half ghosts are hard to kill since they are half-human, meaning they are capable of physical touch." 'Tell me something I don't know!' My body shuddered at the thought of his hands going through my body like that.. But still.. That movement felt familiar.. A sharp voice came into my thoughts. "Did you even listen to what I was saying?" I jolted. "No.." Mira snickered. "Busy thinkin bout the ghost of your dreams-" "No!" I yelled almost instantly. Mira laughed harder each time she saw my flustered face. "Sounds about right to me." Noir shrugged. I shook my head. "No! No!" Mira calmed down. "Right! Alright.." I collected my thoughts with a sigh of relief. That was when I remembered a vital memory. "Noir," They glared at me, letting out a quiet "hm?" "Who is Hajime Enna?" Noir's face was instantley turned into a face devoid of life. "Boss.." Mira muttered. "Are you..."


Mira and me were immediatley caught off guard with the sudden scream that could shatter glass. "Boss!" Noir shook their head rapidly. It's like they lost a member of their family or something... Noir tried letting out a few words but it all just came out as syllables instead of words. "Wo-hoh! Boss, breathe!" Mira immediatley came to the aid of our boss, attempting to calm them down.

"Hajime Enna.. He's...."


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