Ch.4 A Fresh Start

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"Long story short, when I was in the FBI, one of the cases I worked on went south" She began. "I was abducted by the perp we were after...and uh...tortured..." Her voices begins to shake. "Elena you don't-" She stops me. "It's okay. Really." She smiles. "How long?" Jay asked curiosity getting to him. "A week. I spent months thinking I would heal but I really wasn't. The relationship I was in fell apart. I had to get a way before I completely shut down. Intelligence was recruiting so I applied and got transferred. Here I am!" she says doing her best to keep it together.

Jay hugged her. No words spoken. I watched as she held back her tears. She knew Jay would be there for her. Hopefully I could too. 

Elena's POV

The weekend passed. Will and Jay helped my set up my apartment, which I was very grateful for. Will even gave me his number in case I needed anything. That was really sweet of him. 

I sat at my desk, smiling to myself. "What's got you smiling partner?" Jays voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Huh... oh nothing really.." I scratch my head. "Sure... anyways i got you coffee" He laughed. "You're a life saver Jay" I thank him, taking the coffee cup. "You two are here early" Voight walked in. "Yeah, didn't want to be late first week on the job" I say. "Smart choice" Voight says. 

Everyone else slowly started showing up. It was a slow day. A lot of paperwork. But I had a feeling something was going to come up. 

And I was right. 

"Hotchner. My office" Voight called. Everyone stared at me. Not saying a word I walk up to his office. "Take a seat" He says. I do as I was told. "What's wrong sarge?" I ask. "Your father is sending one of his agent to collect confidential information. It's extremely sensitive information so it has to be given in person. I need you to to hand it over. I would give it myself but I'm stuck with Vice." He says sliding a file towards me. 

I stare at the file, processing what he just said. "Oh... uh yeah sure, did he say when and who he's sending?" I compose myself taking the file. Please not Derek. Anyone but Derek. I repeated in my head. "He didn't say who, but tomorrow 2pm in room C3" He informs me. "Got it" I say standing up. 

"Sarge we got a case" Kim says knocking on the door. "Let's go" He says. 

Jay's POV

"Hotchner. My office" Voight called.  Everyone stared at Elena. Not saying a word she walk up to his office.

"Don't tell  me she's already in trouble" Adam joked. I rolled my eyes. So did Kev. "Looks like she just got handed some paperwork, she's fine" Antonio says. 

"Guys we got a case. I'll tell Voight" Kim says running in. Voight and Elena hurry back. "What do we have?" Voight asks gathering us around the white board . 

"Three women, all aged between 21 to 25, found dead this morning. All strangled. They were all found in front of three different night clubs. We'll know more when we get the M.E report." Kim says presenting the case. "Mostly like a male, using night clubs as a hunting ground" I say. 

"Well it could be a female" Elena says. "Elaborate" Voight says. "From my past experience with cases like these, there's a 30% chance the perp is a female. It does happen. We shouldn't rule it out, even if we don't have much to go on" Elena says. 

"What do we have to go on?" Voight ask. "All three night clubs are no where close to each other" Kev saying looking up from his computer. "So there could be more than one culprit out there" I say. 

"Or he escalated really fast. Usually it starts with one, but looks like he or she took their sweet time. Going to different clubs to hunt and kill" Elena adds. "We need to catch this person before more bodies turn up" Kim says. "Ruzek, get those M.E report then join Burgess and Atwater to go talk to the victims families.  Dawson, Halstead and Hotchner, go to the crime scenes, talk to any witnesses and find something to work with. 

Elena's POV 

Me, Jay and Antonio decided to split up to cover more ground. I walked towers the club, crossing the yellow tape thats bustling with forensics examiners. "Excuse me, this is a crime scene, I suggest you leave" A voice says behind me. I turn around to see a young man. 

"I'm Detective Hotchner, CPD" I say showing my badge. "Oh, sorry detective, Mike Green, junior M.E" Mike introduced himself. I shake his hand. "So Mike, did you find anything that could help us?" I ask. "Well, time of death was determined 2:30AM, Found here, strangled. No signs of struggle. It's yet to be confirmed but it possible she was extremely intoxicated to fend for herself. To think there are 2 more...." Mike says. "Thanks Mike" I say noting down the info. "I hope you catch this guy" He says. "Hope so too" I replied. 

I walk toward the club. The owner, stood there, clearly in shock. "Excuse me sir, I'm Detective Hotchner, CPD. I'd like to ask you some questions" I say. "Sure, I'm Seth Richardson. I own this club." He says. 

"Can you tell me what happened?" I ask. I nod at all his replies to my questions. Looking for any tells that could tell me he's possibly lying. So far none. 

"Sir, I need to a list of all the attendees and your staff members, and I'd like to take a copy of your security footage too please." I say. "Of course, but I don't think my employees would do anything like this. They all been working for me for a long time" He say taking me to his office. "No one new at all?" I ask curiously. "Uh...just one new bouncer" He says. "Was he working last night?" I ask. "No" He said handing me a CD and print outs I needed. We shook hands. "Thank you, we'll be in touch sir" I say heading back to my car. 

I call Jay. "Hey partner, find anything?" He asks. "Not much, but I got information we need to review. Also I was told, the girl who first saw the body way taken to med, so I'll stop by to take a statement" I suggest. "Sure, I call Dawson, we'll meet you back at the station" he replies. 

"Cool! See you there!" I say hanging up. 

To be continued

[A/N: I'm back guys! Sorry it took a while, thing got a bit crazy here. Just a small reminder, There is no major crossover from Criminal minds but will be a few for the dramatics. Do tell me what you think of this chapter. I will get back to editing it. I hope you like it! I promise I'll get better at it hahaha. I made up the first case, as the story goes I'll follow the show.  Thanks for you patience.- xoxo M]

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