Ch. 5 Case File

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"Hey partner, find anything?" He asks. "Not much, but I got information we need to review. Also I was told, the girl who first saw the body way taken to med, so I'll stop by to take a statement" I suggest. "Sure, I call Dawson, we'll meet you back at the station" he replies.

"Cool! See you there!" I say hanging up.

At Gaffney Chicago Medical

Elena's POV

I walk up to the desk showing my badge to a nurse.

"Hi I'm here to talk to a witness who was brought in this morning" I say.  She looks up at me, then my badge then back at me. "Elena Hotchner, yes I can take you to her" She smiles. "Before you ask Will told me who you are" She says. "Ah right" I smile back. "I'm Maggie, its nice to meet the one Will's been talking about" She takes me through the door.  So he's talked about me huh. I blush. "Same here, hopefully next time it won't be for work" I chuckle. 

"Elena?" a voice comes from behind. I turn around to see Will walking up to me. "Hey" I say. "What are you doing here?" He asks. "Need to take a witness statement statement" I say. "Maggie I need you in Room 4" A doctor called out to her. "I'm sorry, Dr. Halstead do you mind taking her to Grace Marshal, room 7" She says. He nods as she runs off. "Shall we" he says. I nod

"Anything I need to know before I talk to her?" I ask Will. He pulls out his tablet. "She isn't my patient but she in complete shock when she was brought in. You can try. She is set to be discharged in a few hours" He said as we stop outside room 7. "Thanks" I smile. "No problem." he smiles

I knock on the door before entering. "Hi Mr. and Mrs Marshal, I'm detective Hotchner, CPD. I'm here to talk to Grace about this morning" I tell the parents. "Oh, uh sure but she just came out of shock not to long ago and they gave her is resting I'm not sure if talking to her is a good idea" Mrs. Marshal says rubbing her hands. "I understand, but as the first witness to the crime we do need to talk to her today. So if you bring her down to 21st once she's better that would be really appreciated" I stress. "Yeah, once she's discharged we can bring her down" Mr. Marshal says. "Just ask for detective Hotchner, I hope she feels better soon" I say before heading out. 

I shut the door. Will looks up at me. I walk to the desk. "Did she talk?" He asks. "Nope, she out like a light. They are bringing her down to the station later" I say. "Hope you catch that bastard" He says. "We hope so too" I sigh. "I'll see you at molly's later?" He asks. "Yeah, I'll see you there" I say biting my lip. 

At the station

I walk up to Intelligence. Everyone was huddles around the board. "Hey, your back. You got anything for us?" Jay asks. "Nope, but the parents are bring our witness in later. We'll know more then" I say. They all not. "You guys get anything from the files I sent?" I ask. "Just one new bouncer who didn't show up to his shift" Antonio says. "It's the same bouncer isn't it?" I say. "Yep. Everyone else's sates are clean." Jay says. "His name is Jordan Crane, hired a few month back by all three clubs as a part time bouncer" Antonio says. 

"Hotchner, I need you in in room c-3 now, the rest of you catch me up with the case before I need to go" Voight says walking in. "Now?" I ask. "yes, they came a day early. Now go" He instructs. "I can go with her" Jay offers. "It's right down the hall Halstead. She'll be fine" he says. 

I grab the file from my desk drawer and head down to c-3, praying it was Emily or JJ. I walk in only to find Derek facing the window. I held my breath. Of course it had to be him. Dammit. He turned around. "Hey Lena" He says with a small smile. "Here's the file you were sent for." I say, keeping it short. He frowns. "Lena-" 

"Don't Morgan. I need you to let me go okay. I know why you are here early. And I know you convinced dad to send you instead of the others. Let me guess, you promised him you stay professional?" I scoff. "It's not like that" He says. "It is like that Derek. I can see it in your eyes" I say. "Then you can also see  how much I need you Lena" He says sadly. "Derek, this is not the time or place to have this conversation" I compose myself, not wanting to deal with this right now. "Then when Lena, you've been running from me ever since that day" He yells. I freeze.

"What's going on here?" Jay comes in. "Nothing, he was just leaving" I say with a blank face. "Lena, common you can't do this" He begs "I'm sorry Morgan" I whisper loud enough for him to hear. "You may leave now agent" Jay say stepping in front of me. "I hope you stop running from whatever is hurting you Lena. I will always love you no matter what" he says before leave the precinct. 

Jay turns to me. "You okay?" he asks. "I will be" I mumble. "I'm here when ever your ready to talk. All of us are." he says catching on to my distress. 

He pulls me into a hug. 

To be continued

[A/N: I'm back guys! Sorry it took a while, thing got a bit crazy here. Just a small reminder, There is no major crossover from Criminal minds but will be a few for the dramatics. Do tell me what you think of this chapter. I will get back to editing it. I hope you like it! I promise I'll get better at it hahaha. I made up the first case, as the story goes I'll follow the show. Thanks for you patience.- xoxo M]

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