Bus Ride

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Y/n's POV

Packing for quests wasn't as bad as people tended to believe. The first thing I packed was a bag of ambrosia squares and a bottle of nectar. If anyone got hurt, they would come in handy. Next was my bag of toiletries and an extra pair of clothes. The last thing I added was a few drachmae, which always came in handy. As I closed up my backpack, my eyes gravitated towards the bow and quiver hanging on my wall. As I was staring, I could faintly hear Percy talking, but I hadn't picked up on what he was saying.

"Sorry, Percy. I uh, I'm a little out of it today. Did you ask me a question?" I quiz.

"I was just noticing your bow," Percy claimed and nodded to the weapon on my wall. "You can shoot?"

"I can," I confirm. It was then that I decided to bring the weapon with, and like a pro, I slung the bow and quiver over my shoulder. "Why? Does that surprise you?"

"Chiron said that Poseidon's children were never good at archery," Percy brought up. 

I laughed and pat Percy's shoulder. "Over time you'll find out a lot of things about me that might surprise you. Now come on. I'm sure everyone is waiting for us."

At Half Blood Hill, Grover, Annabeth, and Chiron were waiting along with Argus, the camp's head of security. Percy lagged behind me as I hiked up the hill, but then again, I was used to it. Percy, on the other hand, was not.

"This is Argus," Chiron introduced to Percy. "He's going to drive you into the city, and, er, well, keep an eye on things." 

"Hey!" Luke shouted and jogged up the hill, carrying a pair of shoes in one hand. "I'm glad I caught you guys. I just wanted to say good luck. And Percy, I thought maybe you could use these."

"Um, thanks. What are there?" Percy asked.

"Shoes of course. But there's more to them that meets the eye. Maia," Luke chanted. After saying that word, little white wings sprouted from the heels of the shoes and flapped a few times. "They served me well when I was on my quest. A gift from my dad. Of course, I don't use them much these days. And uh, listen, a lot of hopes are riding on you. So just kill some monsters for me, okay?" 

"I will," Percy told him and shook Luke's hand.

"Be safe," Luke lectured to Annabeth and I before pulling the two of us in for a hug. "You too, Grover."

As Luke headed back down the hill, Annabeth, Grover, and I loaded into the van. Annabeth and I took the two middle seats, leaving Grover to head to the back row. And when Percy appeared minutes later, he joined Grover back there. On the ride into the city, I stared out the window at our passing surroundings. Annabeth and Percy stirred up a conversation, but I stayed out of it. My mind kept replaying the prophecy Percy had told me in my head, and it seemed a little odd. Only two lines? What kind of prophecy was that? By the time we got to Manhattan, the sun was setting, and a light drizzle began to fall from the sky. Once Argus made sure we had all our belongings and bus tickets, he waved goodbye and left.

While we waited for the bus, we got bored and started playing hacky sack with an apple Grover had in his backpack. Annabeth was by far the most skilled player, and Percy wasn't too bad either. The game ended when Percy tossed the apple a bit too close to Grover's mouth, and it was gone in one bite. Grover apologized profoundly, but Annabeth, Percy, and I just laughed it off. It was then that our bus arrived, and as we were waiting to climb aboard, Grover sniffed the air cautiously.

"Everything all right, Grover?" I question.

"I don't know," Grover responded. "It's probably just nothing. Don't worry about it." 

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