Luke's Childhood Home

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Y/n's POV

Shadow travel was not what I expected. And I mean that in a bad way. It felt like you were going down a drop on a rollercoaster, but it was ongoing and lasted forever. Then there was the dark, the cold shivers up your spine, and the strange noises. Oh, and it feels like your face might peel off. When we finally emerged back into the real world, I noticed that we were on the cliffs in Connecticut. But before taking in the sights, I needed a moment.

"Ugh," I groan as my head spun. "A warning next time, Nico. Please."

"Sorry," Nico apologized as I climbed down from Mrs. O'Leary's back.

We had appeared on the cliff in the woods, and there were lots of trees, low stone walls, and big houses. Down one side of the cliff, a highway cut through a ravine. Down the other was someone's backyard. The property was huge. A white colonial-style two-story house was right on the other side of the hill from a highway, and inside there was a light glowing from the kitchen window. Next to me, Nico stumbled slightly, but I caught his arm and helped support his weight.

"How'd you learn to do that?" Percy asked him

"Practice. A few times running into walls. A few accidental trips to China," Nico responded.

I shook my head and laughed. "Nico di Angelo, I don't know what I'm going to do with you."

"Are you going to nap too?" Percy quizzed when he noticed Mrs. O'Leary settle down to get some rest.

"The first time I shadow-travelled, I passed out for a week. Now it just makes me a little drowsy, but I can't do it more than once or twice a night. Mrs. O'Leary won't be going anywhere for a while," Nico explained. 

"So we've got some quality time in Connecticut," Percy figured. "What now?" 

"We ring the doorbell," Nico replied and led us down the side of the hill.

"So," Percy started and glanced over to me. "Have you uh, have you ever been here before?"

"Once," I answer. "I met up with Thalia, Annabeth, and Luke in Pennsylvania, but we didn't head straight to camp. We traveled for a bit, trying to figure out where we belonged. At one point we needed supplies though, and Luke thought his mom might be able to help. When we got here, we got what we came for, but Luke and his mom had an argument, and after that, Luke never came back. Before we go in there, I should warn you guys. May is a little, well, I don't want to say crazy, but I can't really describe her. Oh, and please, don't bring up her eyes."

"Don't mention the eyes," Nico repeated and knocked on the door. "Got it!"

"Luke!" May cried happily when she opened the door. Her white hair stuck out in tufts all over her head, and her pink housedress was covered in scorch-marks and smears of ash. As soon as she saw us, she hugged Nico tightly. "Oh, my dear boy!"

"Just go along with it," I whisper to Nico, who looked like he wanted to go crawl into a hole and disappear. The hug didn't last long though, and I could tell Nico was relieved when he had his own space back. I could tell both Percy and Nico were confused, and to make matters worse, when May say Percy, her eyes lit up again.

"Luke!" May chirped and embraced Percy just as tightly. "Come in! I have your lunch ready! Oh, I told them you would come back. I knew it!" 

May led us into the back of the house where the kitchen was exactly like I remembered, but this time it was filled with food. Hundreds of Tupperware boxes were filled with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The ones on the bottom of the stack were covered in green fuzzy mold, and the smell was almost as bad as the Pegasus stables when they needed to be cleaned. On top of the oven was a stack of cookie sheets, each with a dozen burnt cookies on it. In the kitchen sink was a mountain of empty plastic Kool-Aid pitchers.

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