Side Quest: The Sword of Hades

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Note: Very very long chapter (like 6k words) since the whole story is included in this one part. But enjoy!

Y/n's POV

All I wanted was a relaxing winter break at camp before I had to return to normal school in January. But it wasn't even Christmas yet and I could tell that wasn't gonna happen.

"Thalia? Percy?" I murmur confused as I stepped through a set of bushes in Carl Schurz Park.

Percy frowned when he saw me. "Y/n? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same of you guys," I counter. "I just had my last day of school before break, and when I got out of school, I saw some weird black smoke that didn't look like it was from the mortal world, so I followed it here."

"I was following the golden deer," Thalia claimed. It had been over a year since I'd last seen her, and her black hair was longer than I remembered. She was wearing a silvery park that matched surprisingly well with her electric blue eyes. And atop her head was a silvery tiara that marked her as a lieutenant of Artemis. "It's the sacred animal of Artemis. I figured it was some sort of sign."

"Well I followed Mrs. O'Leary here," Percy stated and gestured to the hellhound, who was sniffing the deer cautiously.

"Guys, this can't be a coincidence. All of us ending up in the same place, at the same time? Demigods don't have coincidences," Thalia pointed out.

"Some god is messing with us," Percy guessed. "Probably. It's good to see you though. Both of you."

"Sorry I haven't been around as much as I said I would," I apologize to Percy. "School has been kicking my butt. And things at camp haven't been the easiest either."

Percy waved me off. "It's okay. Besides, we'll be spending the day after Christmas together anyways."

"It's good to see you too, Thalia," I acknowledge and pull her in for a hug. "It's been a while."

"It has," Thalia agreed. "If we get out of this in one piece, I'll buy you guys each a cheeseburger. How's Annabeth?"

Before either Percy or I could answer, a cloud passed over the sun. The golden deer shimmered and disappeared, leaving Mrs. O'Leary barking at a pile of leaves. Wind blew eerily through the park, and I pulled my jacket closer to me, all while having a hand grasped around my trident necklace. Thalia drew her bow, and Percy readied his sword, the three of us instantly standing back to back. All of a sudden, a patch of darkness passed over the clearing, and a boy tumbled out of it and landed at the grass at our feet.

"Ow," the boy muttered and brushed off his aviator jacket. He looked to be about twelve years old with dark hair, jeans, and a black t-shirt. A silver skill ring adorned his right hand, and a silver sword hung at his side.

"Wait a minute," Thalia interjected. "Aren't you Bianca's little brother?"

Nico scowled. "I have a name, you know."

"Nico!" I chirp and extended a hand to the boy on the floor. He accepted it, allowing me to help him off the ground, and once he was back on his feet, I embraced him tightly. "It's been months since I've seen you. How have you been?"

"Fine. I've been travelling," Nico disclosed. "How are you though? Last I heard, you were going through a nasty break up. Nate really went over to Kronos' side?"

"Not sure how you heard that when you haven't been back to camp, but yeah, it's true," I confess.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, you have a boyfriend?!" Thalia asked.

"Had," I correct her as a pang of sadness struck my heart. While it had been a few months, I was still upset about what happened with Nate. "Long story short, he broke up with me and went to join Kronos. I'll fill you in later. But Nico, how'd you get here?"

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