Waiting for Dawn

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Y/n's POV

Grover gasped and knelt down hastily. "Thank you, Lady Artemis!"

"Get up, goat boy!" Thalia snapped. "We have other things to worry about. Annabeth is gone!" 

"Whoa," Bianca intervened. "Hold up. Time out. Who are you people?"

Artemis's expression softened. "It might be a better question, my dear girl, to ask who are you? Who are your parents?" 

"Our parents are dead. We're orphans. There's a bank trust that pays for our school," Bianca explained. "Now I'm gonna ask again. Who are you guys?"

"Half bloods," I utter. "Half human, half god. And you and your brother are half bloods too." I had been facing the cliff the whole time, and finally, I turned around. I plucked my sword out from the ground, and like a dagger, I threw it into the forest angrily.

"You're going to loose your sword," Bianca pointed out. 

"It'll come back. It always comes back. But I need a moment alone. I'll be in the woods retrieving my sword," I announce. 

"But you just said that-" 

Percy cut Bianca off. "Just give Y/n some space."

I stomped off into the forest, not sparing a second glance at the group behind me. I had to hike for a minute, but I finally found my sword. The tip of it was buried in the trunk of a large pine tree. I grasped the handle and tugged it free, and when I did, I stared at myself in the reflection of the blade. Behind me, the trees rustled, but I didn't draw my weapon. Instead, I willed it to transform back into a necklace, and I clasped it around my neck.

"You should be with the others, Nico," I lecture. "It's not safe out here."

"Everyone out there was confusing me, so Percy told me to come find you. He said that you were young when you were introduced to all of this, so you might be able to explain it to me better," Nico spoke.

I let out a breath and turned to face Nico. "Yeah. I was only 6 years old when I learned I was a half blood. And I found out the hard way. I was in a situation exactly like this, actually. The monsters, they took away someone I loved. History has a funny way of repeating itself."

"You said we were half bloods," Nico brought up. "Half human, half god. What does that mean?"

"It means one of your parents is an Olympian. A god," I clarify.

"Dr. Thorn said that you and Percy were children of Poseidon. So Poseidon is your dad?" Nico questioned.

"Yep. Poseidon is my dad," I verify. "I don't know who your parent is yet, but whoever they are, you and your sister have a powerful scent. That's why Grover and I have been attending school here the past few months. Grover is a satyr, so he's half human, half goat. His job is to find demigods and get them to safety. The two of us, we were trying to protect you and Bianca from Dr. Thorn. Monsters are attracted to your scent, so they can find you easier than we can most of the time. Anyways, we all attend a camp for kids like us. Camp Half Blood. There you'll learn to train and fight off the bad guys, like Dr. Thorn. Since we don't know which Olympian is your parent yet, you'll stay with the Hermes cabin. Only until you're claimed though. That means one of the gods, or goddesses, addresses that you're their kid."

"Hermes," Nico murmured. "That's the guy with winged shoes, right? The messenger god?" 

"Along with being the god of travel and thievery, yeah. You'll find out his kids love to pull pranks on people. How do you know so much about this stuff anyway?" I ask. Nico pulled his trading cards from his pocket, and I saw that each of them had a different god or goddess on them. There were even monsters like the manticore too.

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