Circe's Island

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Y/n's POV

"Percy, you should rest," I advise when I noticed him try to sit up. "You're going to need it."

"Did Tyson...?" Percy wondered.

Annabeth shook her head. "Percy, I'm really sorry. He may have survived. I mean, fire can't kill him. Um, right now though we've got bigger problems. We don't have much with us. There's a bag of ambrosia, a few shirts, a bottle of Dr. Pepper, and those vitamins from Hermes. That's about it."

For a while, we sat in silence. We took turns sipping the Dr. Pepper and sitting under the shade of the sail Annabeth had crafted while Percy was unconscious. There wasn't much else we could do but hope that we reached land eventually. But based on Percy's dreams, we only had about 24 hours to save Grover.

"Guys? What's Chiron's prophecy?" Percy asked. 

"Percy, I shouldn't-" 

Percy cut Annabeth off. "I know Chiron promised the gods he wouldn't tell me. But you didn't promise, did you?"

"Every time heroes learn the future, they try to change it, and it never works," Annabeth stated.

"Yeah, but maybe Percy should know," I disagree. "I mean, I've heard the prophecy already. If it pertains to Percy..."

"Luke mentioned that you should be glad the prophecy might not be about you," Percy remembered. "Is it because I showed up?"

"A half blood of the eldest gods shall reach sixteen against all odds," I recite. "I heard the prophecy when I was only 8 years old, so that's all I remember. Chiron won't let me visit the Oracle to hear it again, and he won't repeat it to me. But I do remember what it was about. The prophecy warns about a half-blood child of the Big Three - the next one who lives to the age of sixteen. That's why Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades swore a pact at World War II to not sire any more kids. And that demigod is supposed to decide the fate of Olympus. Either they choose to save the Age of the Gods or destroy it. When Chiron first learned about Thalia, he assumed she was the one in the prophecy. That's why he was so desperate to get her safely to camp. But then, as you know, she died, and I was claimed by Poseidon, so Chiron thought I'd be the person the prophecy was talking about. Until you came along. You're older than me so..."

"So there's a better change the prophecy is about me," Percy figured.

"Um, guys?" Annabeth interrupted. "There's land up ahead. Look."

I turned around, and sure enough, in the distance, I could see clusters of life. There was a small mountain in the center of the island surrounded by a collection of white buildings. The beach was dotted with palm trees, and in the harbor, boats were tied to the dock. The current pulled our boat towards the shore where there was a woman waiting for us.

"Welcome," the woman chirped. "First time at the spa I see. Mmm. An herbal wrap to start for the young ladies. And of course, a complete makeover for the young gentleman. Well, I'm sure C.C. will want to speak with you personally before the luau. Come, please." 

"I guess it couldn't hurt us to stay for a bit," Annabeth muttered as we climbed out of our boat at followed the woman deeper into the island. The more I saw of the resort, the more I wanted to stay forever. Beautiful marble buildings lined the streets. The water was the prettiest shade of blue I had ever seen. Terraces were built onto the side of every house. Pools and waterslides and waterfalls were everywhere. Finally, we entered a large building where another woman was waiting for us.

"I'm so glad you've come. My name is C.C.," the woman greeted. "And you three are?" One by one, we introduced ourselves to the woman. "Wonderful. Hylla, take Annabeth and Y/n on a tour, will you? Show them what we have available. The clothing will need to change. And the hair too. We will do a full image consultation after I've spoken with this young gentleman. Percy requires my personal attention. He needs much more work than you." 

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