Fight Club

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Y/n's POV

The metal door was hidden behind a laundry bin full of dirty hotel towels. The faint blue symbol was etched into a metal door, and as soon as Annabeth placed her hand on it, it glowed dark blue, revealing a dark staircase. A very dark staircase.

"After you guys," Rachel mumbled and gestured to the stairs.

"Uh, you're the guide," I remind her and peak into the tunnel. "So after you."

Rachel frowned and turned to Percy. "I though half bloods were supposed to be brave."

"Hey. We are," I counter and grip my trident necklace protectively. "But uh, you know, like I said, you're the guide. You go first."

"Uh-huh," Rachel hummed and stepped inside. "Okay. Lets go."

The stairs led down to a large brick tunnel. It was even darker than the stairway. I could hardly see two steps in front of me. Thankfully though, we came prepared with flashlights. I clicked mine on and pointed it in front of me, and the sight shocked me. There was a skeleton staring right back at us. Rachel yelped and stumbled backwards into me, causing the two of us to fall to the ground in a heap.

"And I'm the scared one," I joke and stand up to dust myself off before extending my hand to help her up.

"Sorry," Rachel apologized and glanced over at the skeleton. "What is that thing?"

"A Cyclops," Annabeth replied. "It's very old. Not anybody we know."

"You have a friend who's a Cyclops?" Rachel inquired.

"Tyson. He's me and Y/n's half-brother," Percy answered. "Hopefully we'll find him down here. And Grover. He's a satyr."

"Then we'd better keep moving," Rachel urged and kept walking. Up ahead, we came to a crossroad. Ahead the brick tunnel continued. On our right, the walls changed to ancient marble slabs. And on the left, the tunnel was made of earth and tree roots.

"That looks like the tunnel Tyson and Grover took," Percy pointed out and pointed to the left.

"Yeah, but the architecture to the right, those old stones, that's more likely to lead to an ancient part of the maze, towards Daedalus' workshop," Annabeth claimed.

"We're not splitting up again," I assert. "And I'm serious this time."

"Guys, we need to go straight," Rachel insisted. "Look at the floor. There's a brightness there. Very faint. But forward is the correct way. To the left, further down the tunnel, those tree roots are moving like feelers. I don't like that. To the right, there's a trap about a few down. Holes in the walls, maybe for spikes. I don't think we should risk it."

"What did I say? I told you you'd know the way," Percy stated. "Forward we go."

"There aren't any traps, right?" I ask anxiously, my hand still clutching my necklace.

"Y/n, we're gonna be okay," Percy assured me and turned to Rachel. "Sorry about her. She doesn't trust a lot of people. I'm sure once she gets to know you things will be all good."

"Percy, need I remind you that I have reasons not to trust people. Growing up as a demigod means there's always someone after me. And, Luke, who I considered my oldest brother and closest friend, betrayed me and sided with Kronos. So sorry, but I can't just trust everyone," I rush out as a creaking sound echoed up ahead. "Okay, what was that?"

Rachel shrugged. "I'm not sure. Metal hinges?"

"Very comforting," I comment. "Seriously. I can see why Percy trusts you." And that's when I heard heavy footsteps shaking the corridor. "Um, maybe we should run."

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