The Last Olympian; Mission Failure

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Y/n's POV

I clutched my bow in my hand as I peaked out around the box I was hiding behind. My eyes scanned the area in front of me, and when I didn't see anything, I slowly knocked an arrow. My bow glistened in the sun with rays of light reflecting slightly off of it. Last summer, after helping Beckendorf with the Fourth of July fireworks show, he made me a new bow. It was celestial bronze with sea glass tips, and it was way better than my old wooden bow. I took another peak around the corner, and when nothing caught my eye, I figured I'd just go for it. I sprung up from behind the box, and as I did, a training dummy shot up a few feet away from me. I let my arrow fly, and it hit the dummy in the chest. Another dummy popped up behind me, and I grabbed an arrow from my quiver, shooting the dummy within seconds. Dummies continued popping up around me, but none of them stood a chance. After another minute or two, all of the training dummies had arrows piercing their body. When I slung my bow over my back, I heard clapping behind me, and I turned around to see Beckendorf standing at the edge of the arena.

"Wow," Beckendorf breathed out. "That was pretty impressive."

"Don't give all the credit to the archer. The bow does half the work," I remind him. "And my bow would not be here if it weren't for you. But uh, what are you doing here? I thought you had a meeting with Chiron today?"

"I did. It just finished. Y/n, it's time," Beckendorf told me.

My face paled. "What? I thought we had another few days?"

"I did too, but the Princess Andromeda is getting closer to Long Island Sound. The plan..." Beckendorf trailed off. "It has to be done today."

"So you're leaving then," I guess. "How soon?"

"In a few minutes," Beckendorf replied. "I came to say goodbye."

"Stay safe," I plead and pull him in for a big hug. "And make sure Percy doesn't do anything stupid. You know how he is."

Beckendorf laughed. "I know. But the two of us have been practicing this for months. We'll be okay."

"I'm gonna hold you to that," I say as the two of us walked out of the arena together.

We separated when we got to the cabins, Beckendorf heading to the Hephaestus one and me to the Poseidon one. I hung my bow and quiver on the hook near my bed and deposited my bronze chest plate on the armor stand in the corner. After that, I headed off to shower, but that didn't do enough to clear my head and ease my worries, so I figured a walk might help.

"Hey, Y/n," Will greeted and jogged to catch up to me. Will Solace was a son of Apollo and one of the camp's best healers. Over the past two years, we had spent a lot of time together since I had been helping in the infirmary a lot, so he was one of my closest friends. "Where you heading?"

"No where in particular," I answer. "Just trying to clear my head."

"Right. Beckendorf and Percy are off on their mission," Will remembered. "You holding up okay?"

I shrugged. "Not really. I've known Beckendorf for practically my whole life. And Percy is my brother. If I were to loose either of them...."

"I'm sure it won't come to that. They'll be okay," Will assured me. "But I'm gonna assume that's not the only thing on your mind."

"Of course its not," I exhale. "I just turned 15 last week. In seven days, Percy turns 16. On one hand, that's comforting. I know Percy will do the right thing and help defeat Kronos, and the great prophecy won't be about me. But that means a war is about a week away, and after the Battle of the Labyrinth....I don't know how much more this camp can take."

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