pt.3 Afterschool

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You looked at the time, it was 10:30 am already, you rushed down the stairs as you rushed towards school. You couldn't help but think about that man again.. However you had to get the thought of him out of your head.

The clock ticked, you felt like lessons kept getting more boring and boring. You looked out the window, hoping you'd see him again. As lunch rolled by, you head towards the cafeteria, everything seemed so.. Basic? You ended up skipping lunch that day, instead you buy a Frappuccino at Starbucks. It wasn't very filling, but it had enough caffeine to help you stay up for the rest of the day. You explored the halls, you didn't have much friends, I mean.. It was the first day of a new school, and new City. You wandered around the campus as you waited for your next class to start. You never realized how beautiful new York was from a far, even though under the cruel dark truth of new York, it was actually beautiful. You receive a text from your parents, they were asking if you were alright, the news of you getting kidnapped by an Uber driver and was in the middle of a high speed chase was all over the world.

You didn't respond until a few seconds later,
"I'm alright ma, and I'm okay pa, I got out safely. I'm OK." Your parents didn't respond until you arrived at your next lecture, they were glad you were okay, and revealed that they were heading to new York in a couple of weeks to meet you. You were glad. Someone was finally going to be there with you, you weren't going to be all alone after all.

You spent the whole day hearing lectures, and as you got out of your last class, you realize it was getting late. You decided to walk home. It wasn't a very far walk.. But it seemed like forever. In every corner you pass by, there was at least a drunk man vomiting on the street or a couple making out. You tried to ignore your surroundings, but as you get closer to your apartment, you realized someone was following you.

You weren't the most prettiest woman, but you weren't the ugliest either. You had beautiful hair and the most gorgeous eyes. Any man could fall for you if they wanted to.. Could they?

As you walk, you felt a pair of eyes staring behind your back, you didn't know whether you should run or stay calm. You countinue to walk closer to your apartment, you didn't know whether you should go inside or pretend to meet a friend. Eventually you made your choice, you walked into a book store. This book store closed awfully late, and there was a small cafe inside it to. The person following you head inside the book store with you as well. You dare not to look at the person staring at you, you knew if you made it obvious they would countinue to stalk you for multiple days. You begin to look through the book shelves, however you rushed a bit through each section, hoping the person would get the hint. But.. No. The person countinued to follow you. You were scared, you didn't want to cause a scene but suddenly you hear a bell ring. A tall muscalar man entered into the bookstore, he had a sharp jawline. Why is there so many damn hot guys in new York? You thought. However you earsed that thought, you had a plan. You rushed over to the man who walked in and looked at him with pleading eyes. " ah! What are you doing here uh.. Nick! I just saw you a couple of hours ago at the lecture.' You hoped this work. And you hoped that man played along. The tall muscalar man looked at you, he raised his eye brow as he noticed the person following you stopped, hiding in the corner as they watched you and him.
" ah.. Hello. I just came to grab a cup of coffee. Most cafes are closed so I usually come here after lectures." the man spoke with a deep tone, however it seemed like that voice was familiar to you. He seemed familiar overall.. However she didn't think to much of it. She hugged the man's arm, "won't you buy me a cup as well?" You said with a Flirtous tone.

The man looked at you, he turned to the person who was stalking you, as he gave them a serious look, a bit scary look as well. The stalker eventually ended up leaving the book store. You turned to the man as you sigh in relief. " thank you! You don't know how much I mean it. " The man nodded as he uncomfortably moved your arm. "The name is Miguel by the way. Miguel O' Hara.. Not Nick. " You looked at him, ah right.. Haha sorry about that.. My name is [INSERT NAME*y/n*]", I go to NYU, I had to make up a situation so the person following me could go away.
Miguel nodded, 'ah no problem. As long as your safe then am I free to go?'

You looked at him, this could be a good time to make a friend! Yeah he may seem a bit old, but overall he has a kind heart. "By the way Miguel.. I don't really have any friends here in New York. How about being my first one?.. "
Miguel glanced at you, he seemed to pity you, but he shrugged, " sure why not, " he held his hand out to you. As a friendly gesture of course. You held it. The fuck? Why did you hold his hand? Miguel looked at you as he gave out a chuckle, "I meant give me your phone. I'll add you on my contacts." You felt embarrassed.. You let go of his hand as you reached into your purse and handed him your phone. He goes to your contacts and adds himself, he gave your phone back to you. "There, you can text me whenever your free. Maybe we can go out and get some coffee or I can show you around new York if your interested, new girl." New girl? Was this sort of cute nickname he gave you? Why were you flustered at his cute nickname he gave you? You stood there a few seconds, you were fixated on his eyes, but suddenly you realize you were staring at him. "Yeah of course. " You both ended up saying your goodbyes, at the end of the day you gained a friend and was saved by a crazy Uber driver. Could your life get any more crazy?;

You entered into your apartment, you opened the kitchen lights as you watched the lights flicker, you thought of the man that saved you and the man you met in the book store. You compared both of them. Huh? They seemed to have the same figure. You brushed it off, you walked into your room as you pulled some clothes to wear for pajamas. You head into the bathroom to shower, you ended the day with a peaceful and hot shower..

Part 3.. Over.

To be countinue.

Miguel 'O hara x Y/n Where stories live. Discover now