pt. 9 Stars

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Warning: This chapter contains SA.

You felt your heart dropped. You could feel the hot breathing of the man with the pink skirt behind you. You began sprinting, of course, anyone smart enough wouldn't run, but anyone dumb enough wouldn't. You started looking around if any shop or if anyone was near you, however, nothing. Most of the shops in that area were closed or shut down. You felt your heart racing, then suddenly, you hear sprinting. It was the man with the pink skirt. He was chasing after you in full sprint. Even though you were lighter than him, he seemed faster. You began to panicked as you held in your scream, you kept texting Miguel to respond as fast as he could. SLAM! your phone dropped. You quickly grabbed it as you noticed it cracked, it left a big dent on your case. Then, you felt a hand wrap around your waist. Not again.

The man whispered something into your ear, you couldn't figure out what he was trying to say but you knew it was something horrible. You urged to try to slap him, but you felt his hands wrap your waist, he was too strong compared to you.  You let out a groan as he braced himself on you, you felt disgusted. You trembled, there was no way you'd let this happen.. You suddenly kicked him in the nuts. Bingo. He yelled, he was angry now, he glared at you while pushing you down onto the ground. " ah? Feisty girl aren't you? Just let this happen.. You won't regret it." He walked towards you as he pulled your arm. You held in your tears as suddenly you yelled, " SPIDERMAN!,' the man looked at you, a bit shock but grinned. " ah? The spider won't save you. His probably to busy drinking out with some other woman." You glared at him, you felt the urge to strangle him. For a minute, nothing, you thought everything was over now. You began to shake as the man reached towards your neck, suddenly, low and behold, a bright red web landed on the man's shoulder. The man eyes widen, he began to yell as spiderman pulled him towards himself. You began to hold onto your phone tightly as you felt hot tears run down your cheek. Spiderman looked at you, he looked furious, he then grabbed the man's arm as he brutally punched him. You stared at the two men fight, it was brutal but over after a while.

Spiderman then came over to you, reaching his hand out. " Are you okay.. [y-] I mean.. miss?" Did he know your name? He definitely  said the first letter of your name. Nevertheless, you nodded. "Y-eah.." He nodded as he glanced at you. He began to sit down next to you and then carried you up. Your eyes widen as you gently try to get off, "i-ts okay! I can walk-- please let me--" "no." Spiderman looked at you with a sad, but cold tone. You let out a big sigh as you let him carry you home, however, how did he know where you lived? He was walking the direction towards your apartment when he stopped, "I forgot to ask.. But.. Where did you live?" You raised an eyebrow, "oh.. Uh-- keep walking forward and make a left. Keep walking and you'll see a tree with oranges. I live there.' Spiderman nodded as he continued to walk. You felt.. Comfortable now. You were glad he came right on time.. Well maybe not on time but at least he was there. You held onto him tightly, it felt nice, it felt like the first time he held you on the roof of the car. You enjoyed it.

As he got closer to your apartment, you broke the silence by asking him a question. " Spiderman.. Why do you save people..?" Spiderman looked at you as he stopped, "ah well.. Its quite an easy answer, I save people because it makes me happy to see them alive and well." You blankly stared at him, "but why? Dont you have a life to live..? I mean why risk it for people you don't even know?.. Like me." Spiderman became quiet, he looked at you, "I know you well enough to say you didn't deserve what that creep did to you." You stared at him for a while more, why.. Why was he doing this? You began to speak again, "your right.. Well spiderman.. Do you carry other girls like this?" Spiderman was shocked by your question, "ah well..why does that concern you?" You began to get a bit jealous, "no reason.. I just.. I just wanna know." Spiderman let out a chuckled as he continue to walk. " well, most of the time I dont.. But when I do it's because I know that person needs someone to comfort them." Your sudden jealousy turned into embarrassment, thats right, he didn't just hold girls because he wanted to, he held them because he wanted them to feel safe, and know that someone is there for them.

You held on spiderman tight still as he walked you to your apartment, then he gently puts you down on the stairs. "Will you be okay on your own now, miss?" You nodded, but as he began to walk away you grabbed his hand. "Can you.. Stay for a while?" Spiderman looked at you in disbelief for a moment but he nodded as he went back to sit next to you. You looked up, the stars began to shine brightly. You suddenly leaned you head against spiderman's shoulder. Yeah, you may have an awkward situationship with Miguel.. But it doesn't mean you cant be with other guys.. Right?

Spiderman was a bit shocked when you leaned your head against his shoulder, but he smiled as you nuzzled your head against it. You felt safe with this man, and nothing could ruin the moment right now. You two began to speak with each other about the little things, such as the weather, favorite food, and much more. He seems way more open than Miguel could ever be. You and him ended the night watching the stars sparkle. But you still cat shake the feeling that you know who spiderman truly is...

Part 9 over..
To be continued.

Miguel 'O hara x Y/n حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن