pt. 8 Sandwich

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You felt a sharp pain in your back as you got up from bed, you couldn't bare the pain anymore so you laid back down. "Im exhausted.. I have such a bad hang-over."
Suddenly, you hear a male voice near you.
You slowly turned your head to see who it was, thankfully, it was Miguel, however, why was he in your bed? Half naked at that. He was sound asleep, he was snoring a bit but not to loud.

Suddenly, your ears began to turn light pink, and your legs began to shake as you tried standing up. Oh shit. You two fucked. You wanted to yell at Miguel to get the hell out of your room, however, you didn't want to wake him up.. He looked so.. Exhausted. You panicked as you rushed towards the restroom, you were covered with hickeys and some bruises. Yesterday night was rough. You looked at the time, it was 11 am already. Your lectures started an hour ago. You sighed as you splashed water on your face, you couldn't go to class like this.

You decide to take the "day off," as you closed the bathroom lights and opened the door, Miguel was in the kitchen, in his underwear, he seemed.. Panicked as well. He turned to look at you, he immediately rushed towards you and grabbed your shoulders. " I-- [Y/N]..I'm s-o sorry! I was drunk-- I didn't know any better-- I understand if you want to stop being friend--" stop being friends? Those words pierced through your heart like a slap in the face. Theres no way you wanted to lose the only friend you had here, however how could you possibly stay as friends after this? You felt his sharp nails pierced your skin as you pushed him away. "A-h.. Im sorry. I didn't mean to." Miguel looked at you, he felt horrible. He started grabbing his pants from the couch and putting them on. "I won't bother you ever again.. Im so sorry. This wasn't how I wanted to end things." You wanted to say something, but you couldn't. Your mouth felt dry, like a Sahara dessert. You watch him grab his wallet and when his about to open the door, you grab on his arm.

He turned to you, " [Y/N]..?" You looked at him with overwhelming eyes. "Miguel.. Please stay. I don't want you to go yet. " Miguel's eyes widen as he looked at you, he closed the door as he turned to you. "Are you sure..? I don't want you to be uncomfortable." You shook your head as you gave him a faint smile, " lets just.. Talk." Your words made Miguel sigh in relief, but is also stressed about what "you" wanted to talk about.

After a while, you and Miguel sat near each other on the couch, you were now curious about your relationship with him.  What was it exactly? Were you fuck buddies now? Friends with benefits..? Or just normal friends. Miguel looked at you, "I hope this doesn't affect our friendship.. I mean.. I enjoy spending time with you, [Y/N]." What is he saying? Of course this would effect your friendship with him, however you don't dare say anything. You don't want to hurt his feelings, therefore you nodded. " yeah.. Of course." Miguel gave you a faint smile as he turned to look at the window, who really is Miguel O' hara? You've never really gotten to know him well. All you know is that he enjoys  going to the gym sometimes and his very heroic. However.. You notice he's always wearing some sort of watch.. It glitches out sometimes and even speaks when your not around.

Since you two are already close with each other, you placed your hand on his wrist, "So Miguel.. Whats with the watch..? Whered you get it?" His face became a bit pale as you asked the question, he gently placed your hand away from the watch. "Oh.. Its nothing special. A friend of mine gave it to me." Liar. You stared at him for a while as you looked away, "ah right.." The room became quiet. It was obvious he didn't want to talk about it, however you were so eager to find out. " Miguel I know that's not true.. You can trust me--" "stop it. I don't want to talk about it. Its personal. " Miguel sounded irritated. Did you ever see him this mad? And why was he mad at you? All you did was ask him a simple question. You became irritated as well as you got up, "fine. Whatever, I don't care about your stupid watch anyways." You didn't mean to sound harsh, however you wanted to push the same energy back towards him.

Miguel became quiet as he grabbed his stuff and put his shoes on, his watch began to flash colors. "Yeah alright. Im going to head back home. Thanks for letting me stay over.." You watch as he went out the living room towards  the door. He opened the door, you wanted to reach out for him again, however, this time you did'nt. You hear the door quietly close as you began to feel tears coming down your cheek, why were you crying? Its not like he dumped you, right? You guys weren't even dating in the beginning. You felt mad,sad, and  irritated, you couldn't stop yourself from these feelings. Were you to pushy? Or was he to mean?

You spent the afternoon laying on your couch, you didn't realize how long it was until you get a text. Was it Miguel? You rushed to check your phone, only to see it wasn't Miguel, it was a text from your partner from class, they were asking you to send the homework. It was ironic since you didn't even come to class today. You placed your phone down as you realized it hit 5:30 and you haven't ate anything since yesterday night. You decide to grab a jacket and change your shorts into pants, you grabbed your purse and head out.

You were starving.. You decide to treat yourself to some fine dine quizine. McDonald's. Theres was no way youd enter into a 5 class star restaurant with a 10 dollar jacket and 3 dollar shorts you stole from your mom's closet. Plus, you only had 20 bucks in your purse, you left your credit card in your suit case you forgot to unpack. 20 bucks can buy you the whole menu! Well.. Maybe not the whole menu but it can still make your stomach feel satisfied. You entered into the building as you order your usual, you waited on the side as you filled up on napkins.

You glanced to see as the man who saved you just a few days ago swung back and forth between buildings with his red web. You sipped on your coke as you look at his every move. From a far, you see him save a woman just like you a few days back. You become irritated. Why though? His just doing his job being a friendly neighborhood spiderman. However, that wasn't the case. Right after Miguel left you alone in the apartment, you felt bitter. You hated the fact that you werent the only one spiderman saved. You wish he only saved you, and was a hero only to you. Suddenly you shook that feeling off. What were you saying? Are you going mad?

You sighed as you heard your order be called, you angrily grabbed your order as you stormed out the building. You realized you walked a bit farther than expected from home, thefore you sat by a nearby bench. You devoured that sandwich you order. As you finished eating, you reached through the bag to feel if there was anymore fries left, however, there was none. You sighed. You decided to sit down for a couples of minutes, however those minutes turned to hours. You finally look at the time on your phone, those tik tok videos really threw you off. You arrived at McDonalds at 5:45, now it is 7:50. Your eyes widen as you got up, you looked around, thankfully there was still people roaming around however it was getting late. You start walking back home, it'll take you 10 minutes to get there.

As you start walking, the streets get more quiet. You noticed more people taking cabs and less people walking around. You look through your phone to distract yourself from the darkness. Suddenly, you hear a *screechhh* coming from a nearby alley. You hesitated to walk pass by it, however you sprinted for it. You held your phone tightly as you stopped to breathe, then, suddenly, you stop hearing the screech. You sighed in relief, however suddenly you felt a pair of eyes staring at you.

You turned as you see a large man in a.. Pink skirt? You seem confused and scared, the man is staring directly at your soul. You turned around as you kept walking, you didn't want to seem nervous to you tried to collect yourself. You looked through your phone, praying you find a number you recognized. Then, a name popped up, "Miguel O' Hara -- Nickname: Buff guy," you stopped. You felt like smashing your phone onto the ground, however you didn't. You began to hear panting nearby. It got closer. You started walking faster, fuck it. You pressed call on Miguel's profile. "buzz.. Buzz.. Buzz.......
. . .

The person you have reached has forward your call or is busy at the moment, please call again or leave a voice message at the tone... " BEEEP-


Part 8 over.
To be continued.

Miguel 'O hara x Y/n حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن