pt. 11 Steak

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The atmosphere felt stiff and thick, you couldn't help but feel your face heating up as the server repeated his question again. "Excuse me? What would you two like to eat for the main course? Or do you need more tim--" suddenly, Miguel cut him off, "ah no it's alright. One medium rare steak for me and for the lady.." You quickly glanced back at the menu, "a-h! The bqq chicken with Jasmine rice sounds delicious! One order please!" The server gave you a blank stare as his expression turned to a big cheerful smile again. "Alrighty! Your order will be ready soon." He grabbed the menu's as he cheeefully walked away, leaving you and Miguel alone again. After a while, the silence felt suffocating to bare, therefore, you began to speak again. "Sooo.. Any plans for tomorrow?" What? Why did you ask that? You wanted to become distance with him not become all friendly again! Your mind began to race, you wished you can go back in time and smack yourself. Miguel chuckled as he saw your flustered expression, then, he replied with a flirtous tone. "Nothing really.. Why? You want to take me out somewhere tomorrow?" His eyes glanced at yours, piercing through your soul. You began to feel your face become hot again as you looked around, "i- i- mean.. If you want to.. I know a place where they sell good popcorn.. We could watch a movie.." Miguel's raised an eyebrow, as he grinned, "Movie? Are you asking me out on a movie date?" He began to chuckle.

You began to feel flustered again, you shook your hands, giving him a cute, but flustered reaction. He smiled as he looked at you, "ah? So you don't want to go on a date with me?" Immediately, you froze, you shook your head again. You felt confused, he looked confused. Suddenly, he gave out a laugh, "I'm just playing with you, I can't go early in the morning, however, the afternoon should be fine." You felt embarrassed as you realized you were getting teased by Miguel, however you looked away as you heard your server come near your table with your dishes.
The server placed your dishes on the table, "There we go! Anyways, if you two need anything else, don't be shy to call me over!" You both nodded in agreement as you both watched the server walk away. You grabbed your fork as you began to dig in, however, half way through, you noticed a pair of eyes staring at you. It was Miguel. He barely took a bite of his steak, however, his eyes were on you the whole time. You felt self conscious eating, however, he noticed you were staring back at him. "Ah I'm sorry [Y/N]..did anyone ever tell you how beautiful your lips are? I mean.. You look gorgeous eating." You felt your heart skip, however you were a bit confused by the compliment, you thought the compliment was a bit strange, however you stopped eating as you wiped your mouth with a napkin. "A-h thank you Miguel.. Aren't you going to eat though?" He glanced at his steak as he began to cut it, suddenly, he stabbed his fork against the meat. It gave you chills down your spine, it felt like.. His actually stabbed someone before. He than placed his fork towards you, urging you to take a bite of his steak. You raised your eyebrow, you took the fork however Miguel shook his head. You looked at him as you felt your cheeks get warm, you than opened your mouth. He slowly began to feed you his steak, you felt your heart racing. As you bite down on the steak, you felt other people staring at you two. You realized Miguel just fed you! Isn't that something couples do? Your mind started racing with thoughts, however, Miguel began to notice you becoming nervous and uncomfortable. He began to frown a bit as he set his fork down. "Am I.. Making you uncomfortable [Y/N]..?" You glanced at him as you felt your heart sink. You didn't mean to make him feel guilty about feeding you, quickly, you shook your head as you gave him a cheerfil smile. "N-ope! Why would I? I mean.. I'm having so much fun eating delicious food!" Miguel looked at you, he noticed you were acting strange, therefore he looked away from you, staring at the window.

You felt your heart sink even deeper, you continue to eat your food as time went by. As lunch came to an end, Miguel paid for the food.As you both walked out the restaurant you suddenly grabbed Miguel's hand. "Hey.. Thanks for the food.." Miguel's eyes widen from the sudden movement, however he gave you a warm smile. "No problem [Y/N]..are we still going to watch a movie at the theaters tomorrow?.. Or is that offer .." His voice trailed off as he spoke the last few words. You felt your heart smash to little pieces, however you gave him a reassuring smile. "Well.. I'll buy the tickets online, and you can buy the popcorn at the theaters, deal?" Miguel's eyes lit up as he nodded, you felt your heart slowly regain its purpose again as you felt his happy era shine. You than poked his nose as you let go of his hand. "See you at 6 at my apartment, rich man.. Don't be late for our date." You began to walk off, however you covered your face in embarrassment. How could you say that so boldly?did you ever think how cringe that would sound? As you turned back to see Miguel, his expression was filled with flustered thoughts as he watched you leave. He was blushing. He never thought he would be nick named "Rich man," however, what caught his attention the most was, you being so bold.

From your perspective, you couldn't tell if he was happy or shy about the date. However, you did know, you had to get ready for tomorrow after noon.

Part 11 over..
To be continue

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